Ok so to explain this map I need to give you some back story. I'm one fo the leaders of a clan called All Decked Out. The way our rank system works is if someone wants to challenge the person above them for their rank they go one on one in a battle map made by a leader. The maps are made so that leaders and anyone that want's to watch can. Spectators that are not leaders are on yellow team and walk around the place that looks like stands in a stadium. There are teleporters in each corner so they can get around faster. There's a VIP box for the leader's (purple team) to watch from. And the 2 people battle for the rank are red vs. ble and fight in the middle. There are kill zones around the stands and VIP box so no one can get in the map. The bottum choice for loadouts is for spectators. It's a class that sucks and if anyone shoots that's not battling, it's easy to spot so you can kick them. Initial spawns for red and blue support a 4 v 4 battle. If your wondering why the map is called vascular. It's because I'm the Ace of Hearts and the name of the maps have something to do with hearts.
this map is a good idea for a clan and doesnt need a aesthetic value although it would have been better if you dded the aesthetics value...but for the gameplay Im seeing that the map little good gameplay for the map has open parts that are just filled with buildings which are not good because their one way routes for most of them...the extra objects also seem to be randomly thrown around to make the map not as open but they will do little in the map maybe even make it worse...I cant figure everything out so I would like to know the weapons on then map too..