Various Screenshots

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by NAU6HTY F1R3MAN, Apr 21, 2009.


    NAU6HTY F1R3MAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These are some random screen shots i took. They are my first and i would like to here some suggestions from people who know what they are talking about, not just random people. Enjoy them.

    Absolut Darkness [​IMG]

    Blue Hail [​IMG]

    Chix Dig it [​IMG]

    Demon [​IMG]

    Engulfed [​IMG]

    Hazed [​IMG]

    Plasmic [​IMG]

    Ranger [​IMG]

    WOAH! [​IMG]
    #1 NAU6HTY F1R3MAN, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  2. thebeastlyboy15

    thebeastlyboy15 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice screenshots man, great first screenshot post. really liking that Demon pic.

    They are all really good, keep it up
    btw, we still going to make that screenshot Friday?
  3. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    !st one:Not bad for a first timer...angle could lightly be better
    2nd one:better angle and backround(try the ice cave on avalanche which is the room wit da mancannons if u didnt no)
    3rd one:Nice effect jus alittle to bright cant realy see the spartan and a little better angle
    4rth one:Very nice screenshot Love the effect nuthin much to critize about
    5th one:better pose and angle and to bright
    6th:need a better angle
    7th; better angle
    8th:better backround and better effect
    last:its a fuuny cant say much bout that 1

    for a first timer though i think there ok try to work on ur angles before taking the picture.keep, up the good work

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