Foundry Variation

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MichMaster32, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    The map is a layer based map that has a unique feel to it. the map uses almost all of foundry except for one of the back corners.
    the map is asymmetrical, the structures are all very unique in their own way.
    they all have their tactical advantages. in the middle of the map is a second story bridge that gives you view of most of the map.
    this bridge can be taken from either side of where the teams spawn on a slayer match.
    towards the back of the map is a secluded section. this is a good place for spawns and for regrouping.
    the other structures in the map are unique and have high and low levels for you to use.

    Supported Gametypes

    Team Slayer 4V4 or 3V3
    King of the Hill
    Crazy King​



    Spiker's X 2
    Plasma Rifles X 2
    Sniper Rifle X 1
    Rocket Launcher X 1
    Brute Shot X 1
    Needler X 1
    Battle Rifle X 3
    Assault Rifle X 1
    Mauler X 1
    Turret X 1​

    Grenade & Equipment

    Frag grenade X 4
    Plasma Grenades X 2
    Spike Grenades X 2
    Power Drain X 1
    Bubble Shield X 1
    Regenerator X 1
    Grav. Lift X 1​

    Forging 101:​

    [ ___ ] __Floating Objects
    [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn
    [ YES ] __Immovable Objects
    [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events
    [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water
    [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch

    Pictures of My map













    Action Pics​








    Well thats my map i hope you will download it and try it out for yourself.
    i would appreciate all feedback on the map.
    i would encourage that you download it before you comment on its playability.
    i tested it with the trc guild and it plays very well. hope you enjoy it.

    Download : Halo 3 File Details

    #1 MichMaster32, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2009
  2. MisterRemy

    MisterRemy Ancient
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    Glad to see this up. I remember playing this a couple of days ago on an FFA and also a 4v4. It was very smooth gameplay, and I didn't notice anything wrong with the spawns. I did notice that the middle area has alot of advantage on both sides, and it's hard to regroup with your team and even things out. I do suppose that's a little normal though. Though the pictures are decieving, the map is VERY well forged and perfectly smooth; I didn't find a single thing forged sloppy.

    I like the sniper and rocket position, but as we proved, it is possible to get out of the map. If it's not a big deal to you, than don't worry about it too much. (after all it was rather difficult.)

    Good job Mich. 8/10
  3. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Amazing use of interlocking and plenty of pictures to show off your map. You also have a nice balance of weapons, nicely done. I can't criticize a map like this.
  4. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Some of your interlocking could be much neater. There is nothing original about any of the structures either, and I've seen them all done better elsewhere. It looks like an okay map in terms of flow and traffic, but your weapons balancing could be much better. 3.5/5
  5. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    I remember playing this a couple days ago with you and others (I was Dylanpwns u27), a 4v4 game and a territories game. You interlocking and geomerging is fantastic, it's so clean and smooth, and I didn't have problems walking around. The layout is really good, I really like the overall height difference in the map, it makes it feel like it's not foundry. The weapons seem diverse and spread out, and it wasn't really hard to find weapons except for rockets. It's good that you took my suggestion for KOTH; I hope it plays as well as the other gametypes. Overall it's a great map that lays and looks amazing. Very nice job Mich.

  6. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I gave this a forgethrough and was quite impressed. You did a good job making everything smooth although there were some pieces that weren't lined up very well. The geo-merging was good where it was present. I did notice a couple pieces that could have been merged to prevent grenade loss. There are good lines of sight and plenty of cover. The coolest thing about this map is the teleporter. I just think it's cool that if you go through it on the top, you come out on top of the open box, but if you go through it on the lower level, you come out inside the box. I've, personally, never seen that before. I was a little iffy on the Mongoose. Have you thought about putting a ghost there instead? There is just enought room to maneuver one without it being too overpowering. The map is breakable, but would be hard to do in-game. Overall, you did a great job with this map. You should be proud of it.
  7. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    It gets really annoying when people review the intelocking rather than the maps itself.

    I think it looks like a reat asymmetrical map, which are harder to make because you've got to balance the map without just reflecting whats on the other side!

    I like the walls you've put on the boxes as barriers, they give the map a little more definition. I was a little concerned when I saw the teleporter because I think they're much harder to encorporate in to a map than most people think. They do make getting around a map much quicker but if you don't know the map then they'll just get you lost! I think they got around that quite nicely in Cold Storage by giving each room a different theme.
    But after reading what ShaddoBlade wrote, it does sound like a nice idea. I'll have to see it for myself when I download it.
  8. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Holy Shiz! Like I've said in other posts, the release of Sandbox calls for master forgers to try to make foundry look good. And I'm almost convinced now! Something like this could be made way easier in sandbox, but to criticise this is to disown awesomeness. How many more perfectly interlocked and geo-merged foundry maps must I give a 5/5?!
  9. sloner52

    sloner52 Ancient
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    well mich you have certainly improved your forging skills from the last map i saw from you. your geomerging and interlocking is a lot better. from the looks of the map it looks like it would play well with FFA or Team Slayer
  10. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I really liked this map and I was really happy to see you didn't leave the Run Time Max = Number on map.

    There are 2 things which let this map down.

    The first is the brute shot. I never put brute shots on a map which has sections blocked off like yours. Brute shot jumping out of this map is fairly easy.
    I went from the double box next to the bubble shield to the ledge which is made by those merged double boxes, up on to the top of that tower, then on to the fence box and out.
    Easiest solution is to remove the brute shot.

    Secondly, you've placed a starting point for every member of the team. This might be fine team games but it ruins FFA. In FFA, all the starting points are available for all players. If you have more than 2 players then it is gauranteed that 2 or more players will spawn next to another player.
    Thats why theres only meant to be 1 starting point per team.

    Other than that, I thought it was a great map.
  11. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I enjoyed the testing session of this map even though I only played a game of territories on it. The map has an interesting, complex layout that creates fun, new opportunities and makes the map flow well. The map works well with some gametypes that aren't commonly played. I remember it was based a bit more on the bottom than I'd like. Imo, you should give the top more use. Also, it was a bit grenade happy, but one expect this in that gametype. There were a few thing thing you could clean up, but for the most part, it was smooth and aesthetically pleasing. There was one thing I found a bit odd, but you may have fixed it. A instant-respawn turret isn't ever good for gameplay. Overall, the map plays pretty well.
  12. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    ya the teleporter glitch wasnt planned but it was extremely cool. i think if used correctly it actually could come in handy. there was a ghost there before but when playing it seemed to only get in the way. and yes i know the map is breakable but only in 2 spots. but hopefully people will just play the map and not criticize because it can be broke. and thanks for the thorough map review.
  13. Corrupt Galahad

    Corrupt Galahad Ancient
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    This map plays very well. My favrorite gametype to run on this is FFA.4.5/5 Stars.
  14. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    ya i fixed the territory markers so there is more. one on the center bridge, and then in the back corner on top of the teleporter bridge. the weird thing was after the game i went to forge my map to fix the turret so it wouldnt instant respawn, but it was on a 45 second time limit so idk why it wasnt doing it in the game. lol thanks for the review btw
  15. QmAn102

    QmAn102 Ancient
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    well seeing how i have seen this map in person and have played on it i can thoroughly comment on it. i like the level changes and how the forging plays well into gameplay. i dont think you care if the map is breakable but it doesnt matter anyways. best gametype is slayer and the middle bridge is very useful. very good map man 4/5
  16. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    i have never have anybody ever test my maps to see if they can be broken or not. but its not as big of a deal to me as one might think. but i do have a new map coming up and ill ask you to see if its breakable. and thanks for letting me know about the spawns i didnt know you only needed one.

    just posted the video
    #16 MichMaster32, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2009

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