Map: VANQUISHER Best Gametypes: Multi-Flag Capture the flag Assualt, Neutral Bomb Team Slayer Vanquisher is perfect for objective gametypes. Although everything but the flag positions are asymmetrical, the flags are placed high atop on either sides of foundry. This map has a 2nd floor that goeds almost completely around the map. Of course 1 side isThe middle has a narow passage way that holds the dreaded rocket launcher! One side has a hallway leading to either flag and inbetween the 2 sides lays the sniper rifle with a window to see almost the entire field. There are also machine gun turrets located just below the flags. There is a hammer located behind a wall just above the rocket launcher. OThis can also be a slayer map. Not made to be a slayer map but whats more fun than killing other people? Weapons on map: Assualt Rifle Battle Rifle Magnum Rocket Laucher Sniper Rifle Gravity Hammer Shotgun Mauler Covenant Carbine SMG Needler Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Brute Shot Machine Gun Turret Equiptment Used: Bubble Shield Grav Lift Power Drain Regenerator Active Camo Overshields Vehicles: Mongoose General overview. The other side of the map. The place where all the action is first. View from the camo at the Red flag. Dont get too close to that mauler! "Please tell me this thing can go faster!" - Flag Carrier DOWNLOAD HERE>>> : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Hey your pictures are not working i will download and have a look through but you will want to address the picture issue. Warned - TexturedSun SeNTiNeL: sorry about the spam post, i meant to have a follow up post soon after with my forgethrough but was distracted and was not able to post it until now. (see below) It was a mistake not giving information on how to imbed screenshots i just assumed Midnite Haze knew how and had make a mistake somewhere.
please imbed your screenshots Heres how you do it 1-take your screenshot in theatre 2-go to bungie and look at your screeshots 3-find the ones you want to post, right click on them and save it to your computer(make sure its saved as a jpeg image) 4-host it on a place like ImageShack® - Image Hosting and post it your welcome
Vanquisher The map is largely well built the long second level of doubles boxes stretching around most of the map is all well interlock. There are a couple noticable bumps with some of the ramps but this would be easily fixable. Another plus to the map is that you have appear to know when interlocking is not needed and have only interlocked when it needed to be done. The turret is in quite a powerful position and is able to see a lot of the map, due to not being able to get a game together to test the map i cannot truely say whether this is overpowered, so my gut reaction says it might be slightly too good though the walls close behind it should make it reasonabley easy to grenade. The map has a good amount of cover on both the higher and lower level, though posibley the lower section infront of the turret could use one or two more objects to make it more assaultable. There is also plenty of opportunity through stairs, ramps or other ojbects to quickly get from the lower level up to the higher one. Player movement is not restricted and if you want to get somewhere quickly you can. The weapons seem varied and reasonabley well placed with both teams having access to a fair number of long and short ranged weaponry. The power weapons seems fairly placed. The rocket is an even 50/50 grab in my opinion due to its central location. The sniper whilst being close to the non flag side is covered more from that side allowing the defender team to realistically take it if they are aggressive at the start. The hammer however is probably not an option to the attacking team due to the turret but since the sniper is easier for the attacking team to grab this would balance the power weapons out. The map is escapable, it is possible to jump into the office area on both sides of the map. The only way to prevent this would be to block the gap with an object as the level layout does allow you to jump ontop of some walls which is how i got out. Since you did not geo-merge the double boxes into the foundry walls the walls you placed to prevent grenades falling down the gaps serve their purpose well. This is another plus for your map design. Overall the map is nicely put together with good interlocking. It is variety in height and the movable objects you have placed such as the dumpsters, pallets etc give the map a nice look and a more ogranic feel. They really improve the map asethtically even though they are only little things. Good luck with future maps I SeNTiNeL I
Sounds like a good idea. I will edit this comment when you fix your post. Until then work on uploading pictures and then edit your title because you spelled it wrong.
Hey dont copy and paste pictures off bungie, you have to upload them them to an image host (imageshack etc.) Then get the direct link. Just ask moderator or find a post to help you.
if I See Any More "needs Pictures" Posts, You Will Be Infracted. Sentinels Post Is A Prime Example Of What You All Should Be Doing. Downloading The Map, Then Talking. You Don't need The Pictures People, What You need Is The Map Que'd. ^That was all caps...sadfaic... but seriously, no more "needs pictures" comments.