
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Insane_Crysis, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. *ON-HOLD*


    Hey fellow Forgers! This is apreview of my map Vanguard. Vanguard is an infection map that I have started about a day ago, and I have been working on it non-stop. The map takes place in the Canyon part of Forge World [Hemorrhage]. My inspiration for this map was the building from Valhalla and Relic combined. I wanted to create a Relic/Valhalla style building, while putting the gametype to Infection. Note: this is one of the MAIN buildings to hold off in, so humans don't spawn here, they spawn somewhere else. So to the point, I hope you enjoy this map. POSITIVE CRITICISM.

    EDIT - 12/14/10: New pictures and information are soon to come. Estimate time, ranging from 12/16/10 - 12/17/10, it may vary, due to school.

    EDIT 2 - 12/28/10: New pictures will be available soon. TBA. *On-Hold*

    EDIT 3 - 1/8/11: This Project/Map is currently "On-Hold" until I can get Previews of my other Projects up and going. Also, it has taken a while, due to my laziness and distraction towards other games. Thank you for your patience.

    Weapons So Far. . .
    • DMR x2 - 45 Sec Respawn Time - 1 Spare Clip
    • Sniper Rifle x2 - 120 Sec Respawn Time - 1 Spare Clip
    • Shotgun x1 - 60 Sec Respawn Time - 1 Spare Clip
    • Assault Rifle x1 - 25 Sec Respawn Time - 1 Spare Clip
    • Magnum x1 - 20 Sec Respawn Time - 2 Spare Clip
    • Plasma Repeater x1 - 45 Sec Respawn Time - 1 Spare Clip
    Here are some pictures.






    UPDATE: Block 1 x 1 Added to form Slanted Middle Piece

    UPDATE: Teleporter Added - Leads to Sniper Tower

    NEW! Sniper Tower [Ranged Screenshot]

    NEW! Sniper Tower

    Well, that is pretty much it for now. Hope you look forward to this in the furture, enjoy. Positive criticism would be helpful. What do I need to add, change, and balance? Please give your feedback on this map. Thanks.

    i i N F A M O U S
    #1 Insane_Crysis, Dec 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2011
  2. Generalx13

    Generalx13 Forerunner

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    It looks awesome, I get what you mean about Relic and Valhalla. The main building also reminded me of sandtrap's main structure and the sniper tower reminds me of waterworks. The one problem I see is that a map set up like that can't be very large without lots of vehicles. Also, the pictures make it seem as if you have 2 main base structures acting as a single base as opposed to a main base and an auxiliary. Although coordination is a great thing to use, this makes it as if an uncoordinated attack would be extremely difficult. The reason for this would be that while both buildings would require an entire strike force just to enter one of them, they are close enough to give each other cover fire. My suggestion would be to try moving the sniper tower further away, not necessarily all the way to where the hemorrhage rocks are, but much further than it is. It needs to be far enough that you need a good scope to give descent cover fire (such as sniper or DMR). Then make the teleporter one way, otherwise when one base takes too much fire they will simply retreat to the other in a continuous cycle of annoying. Although I know your focus is on infection, this map's set up could be incredible for CTF, Slayer, or any team based objective game.
  3. Overall
    Thanks for the feedback. I've been waiting for 2 Weeks for a reply. But On-Topic, I see what you mean, I can change the Map Layout into an Asymmetrical design, where this can become the "Defender's Base," then, I can take the side building and form it into an "Attacker's Base," but that means I will have to take the Secondary Base to the other side and "Upgrade" it more.

    Slayer/Asymmetrical Gametypes
    For the vehicles, I don't know what to put. I was thinking, for Slayer Gametypes, the "Attacker's Vehicles" include:
    • Ghost x2
    • Mongoose x2
    • Revenant x1
    • Warthog x1
    I will not put "Heavy Vehicles" unless I add one or more Spartan Laser, or a Rocket Launcher/Plasma Launcher. Because of the Main Building's lack of cover, the "Heavy Vehicles" will continue to dominate the Defending team. I will add "Smaller" bases/stations closer to the Main Building to support it. These buildings will act as a smaller, base/station.

    Infection Gametype
    For Infection, I will add more ways to get to the base, via Pathway/Walkway or even rocks leading to the Main Building's interior. I guess I would move the smaller "Side Base" farther away from the Main Building since it can promote camping, with only two access points. Since Hemorrhage is too large to support Regular Infection, I might cut the size down to 2/3 or the original size of Hemorrhage.

    Ideas Regarding Infection
    • 2/3 Scale Size of Hemorrhage.
    • Side Building [Moved Away from Main Building]
    • Limit "Power Weapons."
    • Try to Remove "Camping-Spots"
    • More Aesthetics and Buildings will be Added. [Also to Affect Gameplay in a Positive Way]
    Other than that, anymore suggestions would be helpful. Finally, someone posted on my map. Anyways Thank You for the feedback.
    #3 Insane_Crysis, Dec 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2010
  4. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    where do the humans spawn?

  5. Near the caves. They only spawn in the caves for Infection. But for Slayer Games etc., they spawn near the base.
  6. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pretty cool. It's nice to see an infection map that is not build by placing random pieces everywhere. But is there anything on the opposite side of "The Valhalla Base"? (that's what I'm gonna call it.)
  7. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    wow, the first time I saw the base, I immediatly though "there looks like a gian base got ripped off and this is what is left". I don't know exactly what, but you should add mor to the center tower, add more parts to the back. but youve got a great start! If you wanted, this could also turn out to be an extremeky fun halo 3 styled map, all the maps these days look too dry and gray.

    The main base looks like some sort of harbor to me, so maybe put a small raft boat or small boat in the water.
  8. Thanks, but nothing is there for the moment, I was going to add some more buildings to improve the gameplay.

    Yeah I was going to add more aesthetics to the base once I'm done with the rest of the map. Thanks for the feedback though.

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