Hellos to all the Halo 3 Community. I have here, 2 Foundry Maps I made called Vanguard and Cavalier. My intention for these maps is to provide versitile maps that emphasize cover and navigation. Hope you guys enjoy playing them. Map Gameplay Info - These maps are both symmetrical in both weapon/vehicle placements and geometry. - There are NO Heavy Weapons, although there is a Turret for each side. - Only Mongooses are available for vehicles. Links http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18431900 - Vanguard http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18432348 - Cavalier Pictures http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screenshots.aspx?mode=pinned&gamertag=Don%20Edward Enjoy - Don Edward
You posted this once already in the Aesthetic section. Pick only one section for your map. Also you have posted this in the incorrect way. People in your other thread have already given you the location of where to find how to post your maps correctly. So I would rather not repeat them.
Oh, sorry bout that, just someone told me that it belonged to this section, but if I can only have it in 1 section per post, I'm ok with that. Sry bout that.