Alright this is my submission to the Hub of the Dead contest. The humans start in the valley while the zombies start in the caves. The zombies go out the caves to kill the humans. This plays with the built-in gametype Save one bullet. Its outside of the boundaries but i felt that it wasnt creepy enough so i added the Juicy filter. Story: A group of friends went exploring in a valley near an old mine. As they walk in the wall crumbles in behind them. Now they are trapped in the valley by themselves... or not. I dont really know how to explain this so here are the pictures: Here is an overview(without the filter): Here is it with the filter: Heres a picture of the valley without filter: And here it is with the filter: Some more of the valley(all w/o filter): Now the old Mine shaft(these are w/o filter): This is were the zombies start(the rocks are piled up because the mine shaft was destroyed years ago: These are two of the tunnels that lead to the valley: And these are the other two: And here is a picture with the filter: Alright here are some action shots: Download Here I know you guys are all saying "Wow another freaking cave map" Well this isnt only a cave map, so hopefully its not that bad.
Wow, I don't care if this is just another cave map, this is awesome! I love the mine shafts just because I've alsways loved tunnels, and that combined with the valley is pretty epic. But if the vally is escapable, then you might have a problem. For now this looks amazing, good luck with it.
To my best knowledge the valley is completley inescapable. Every time ive tested it no one has been able to get out. Wow i completley forgot to do that but i cant get on for a while because im just about to go somewhere so i will when i get back.
You know, I like the inside more than the outside. It looks really creepy with the juicy filter. The problem is that gameplay will likely be always in the valley, because there is no reason for the humans to go in the caves. What about switching spawns? So that the zombies must cross the valley while the humans are taking shots at them. And then the humans jhave to defend the creepy caves. The only problem would be that the caves are linear so the zombies could easily be shot down.
Well the reason i did it like that is because there have been many cave maps released lately and i didnt want the gameplay to be only in the caves. And actually humans do go into the caves alot but they do get killed. Its more epic and scary to be in the valley as a human because there are so many zombies (at the end) everywhere. Plus if every human was in the caves then they would be able to camp it extremley easily. EDIT: also i put up the action shots
The mine shaft, reminds me of ffxi for some reason. The valley is creative, and with all the rocks scattered around, it looks more realistic.Im not sure how game play is, it seem like the humans could formulate a plan and just camp out the dark caves destroying everything in its path. I will download this, because I like caves.
i like this map but it's very easily breakable. I noticed you had some budget left so i suggest putting a double block on the far left side of human spawn, next to the invis barrier (cause a human can jump out their) and an overlapping something over all the cave entrances to keep humans in the map cause the blocks you have put to allow humans access can be used to get out of the map also. Other than that it's fantastic, the cave part is freaking sweet and the valley is fun just escapable lol.
The humans start on both sides of the valley so could you possibly describe a little more so i know where you got out? Also thats a bummer that its breakable no one broke it in any of the games i played. Wish someone had found that out before the Hub of the dead contest submissions were over. Oh well ill update it soon and im glad you enjoyed it.
Its here_______________________________________________________^ The very top of the far wall over here you can jump at it and get out.
Okay i must be an absolutley horrible jumper or something but i couldnt get out. were you talking about here? EDIT: oh and we should take this to PM or it might be considered spam
This is sick bro. The innovation of it contradicts the simplicity. The natural geometry of it and the deserted feeling of the humans is awesome. Plus you darkened it up by having it outside of the map. 5/5- aesthetically, I havent played it yet.
I downloaded and messed around a bit. First of all, it's very breakable.. especially since humans start with grenades/can jump on one another.. Having said that, I really like the caves! Too bad so many cave maps are out.. Overall: 4/5 I really like the valley idea, but idk if there's a way to fix all of the breaks.
Ya thats actually exactly what i was going for. Thanks for such the positive feedback man hope you get a game on it. Yes i know thats its breakable i just need to think of a way to make it not so easily breakable, which i hard with my small budget left. I wish i could have done better to fix it.
I'd suggest making the gravity for humans be lower, not a whole lot enough so they can jump into the caves but not so much that they can escape.
Hmm ya i thought about that the only problem is the fact that i cant change the save one bullet gametype for the Hub of the Dead Contest, plus then it is harder for them to get into the caves. I guess i would suggest doing that though if they are still able to get in the caves
Yeah well i know this is for the contest but you could just create your own gametype also. Who says the map can't be played with a custom infection and save one bullet? Also on the note of the caves if you do change the gravity then just use what budget you have left to make jumps for the humans so they can get in the caves.