Valkrie! Im soo bored im posting my clan. The clan was stared off by Grassantor (because hes the cooliest!) We are a small social clan mainly for HALO3 mainly because me and berk are addicted to it. We forge and customs mainly but we do play alot of matchmaking and campain for achievements too. Team leaders - Grassanator - Spazmonkey92 - Berkgina Exterminator - TheBurninCheese Destroyer - RayuAngelKun Taconator! - MadManEmo Rioteer - Saslor Trainees - M4JOR N1NJ4 - fatty numbnuts - QJAKELED you want to join send me or berkgina a mssage The requirements to join in a custom with us and get a good score, forge and make us laugh. pretty simple We will be holding some clan matches soon. We do all kinds of competitive matches on custom maps etc. if you would like to go against us or would like to forge with us pm here.
Perhaps you should tell us a little more information. What game(s), if any, are you playing other than Halo 3? What are the requirements to join if there are any requirements? Is it a casual or hardcore clan?
Requirments: The requirements to join are: Be in a custom with us and get a good score, forge and make us laugh. pretty simple. We're a Casual clan but we do play some hardcore, 1v1 matches e.g When I played QJ4KLED and raped! And as Spaz said we're all basiclly addicted to Halo.
weve called ourselves that for like 6 months so skrew you it is generic...sry lol but you cant ask a clan to change its name thats just retarded once again sry not tryin to be mean just makin out my point