I'm sorry for reposting this map, i did not mean too, you see i did not know how to post maps so here is the real thing. I hope you like my very first real forge. This map plays MLG gametypes and plays 6-10 players. There are 1 clip of rockets and carbines and br's. One mauler, and both frag and plasma grenades. I hope you have fun on my symetrical map Valic v5. Pics..... Blue Base Red Base Hideout Platform, There are two on each base located to each side The Yellow Platform Underneath the green and yellow platform is this..... The Green Platform The Middle Piece Just having fun on Valic v5. And the Link...... http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=49398413
Even though I hate MLG, This map looks Good, 4/5, and MLG maps do have rockets!! I don't like MLG but that does'nt mean I don't know anything about it.
Umm, yeah MLG does. Ever played MLG Construct or The Pit? There's rockets on both. Anyway, pretty sweet map! 5/5 for looks and I'll update my comment later when I Dl and play it. Oh, and I love infection too!
omg nublets, rockets are mlg however u will rarely or never see them on foundry, it just doesnt play good on smapp maps. and simple this shuld be posted in the mlg sub forum shouldnt it? good map for first real forge man
im my opinion it has the potetial to be awsome, just needs more intarlocking and some other tructures in thecorner, its only sort of a lack of cover poblem, the map just seems to lack
Great interlocking, and geomerging. Also great idea to use the oppisite way DL for you from Mr. ForgyForge. haha (5/5)
Also I saw this...PS YOUR WRONG, CHECK MLG CONSTRUCT Though it realy isn't for Foundry, Sorry for another post, don't spam plz