I was just wondering about the thoughts of my fellow hubbers With SEMI-accurate terrain and (maybe) a slight downsize, would it be possible to remake Valhalla? And by semi-accurate, I do not mean Blood Gulch with rocks that vaguely resemble Valhalla's, which has been done MANY times.
Yeah possibly but realisticly to scale anything to the same width and lenght of Vallhalla would take way to much budget, your best bet is using the Gulch and enlarging the natrual structures etc. Alaska could work like the Relic variant built up there but that would be the only other place i would suggest, but be fore warned you will have to use some Collesium Walls
Its not possible to build a proper hill in the middle of the canyon with rocks alone, also the lag from interlocking all of it would most likely be huge.
You could fake the hill with a mix of coliseum walls and other large pieces, and probably get pretty close to the real thing without introducing frame rate problems. But I'm sure it would look like crap.
Way way too big, i used 4x4 flat like about 2 or 3 of them mixed with tin cups and rocks i didn't lag but still the proportions were a tad out a wack.