Bungie.net : Inside Bungie : Bungie.net Blog Bungie stated that the will be giving out Recon to those who meet certain criteria during the V-Day Massacre.
I might play a little, but I see no reason to get over 1000 sticks over a weekend (how outragious is that? I mean I don't even have 1000 matchmaking sticks whatsoever). I have to assume one will be for Double Kills....but who knows, with bungie.
They did this last year didn't they? Only like 4 people got it. One of the requirements was like 500 incenerations.
I wonder how many you would have to get? I mean I would try but the chances are really, really not good for me.
Last time they gave out to about 15 people if I remember correctly. They gave out to first through third in a bunch of crazy stuff....double kills, sticks, splatters (i think), the like. @Scar3: The highest sticks (I don't remember the other stats) was over 1000 in that weekend. Third with over 600.
Ya know, I've been trying to get my fiancee to play halo3 with me for some time. This very well may be the way to do it. Give her some flowers, cook her some food, and then play the v-day massacre with her.
I think TSB is right. Double Kills. I always seem to get tons of those, I'm gonna try for this one. Anyone wanna be my partner?
Snap, I am going to be gone for the entire weekend. It really doesn't matter much though because I know that I have no chance what so ever. Good luck with your double kills though Chaotic. There will be lots of cookies for you when you return. And the best of luck to antbody giving this a go!
Wow people are going to have to dedicate themselves this all weekend if they want to reach their "Certain Criteria." Ya but if you really think about it, 1000 sticks in matchmaking is way more than you think. I probably get 1 or 2 a game average. Thats a thousand games if you played to your normal constant rate. But people will probably stick people for all of their kills, so your looking to play about 100 games over the weekend. Its not worth it
You know it! On my main account, I have gotten 1,822 Double Kills in Ranked alone. 1,560 in Social. Perhaps I need to get exactly 77 over the weekend in the Double EXP?
QFT. Let me check mine lol. I hardly ever play matchmaking. Yeah I have 3 killtrocity's Is that good?
yeah i got a dance that saturday and friday i'll probably be at a party or something. definitely not going to waste my life away on trying to get recon. im just going to wait and get it from the vidmaster achievements. plus once you get it everyones going to be like "WTF U HAZ RECON! R U BUNGIE! GIMME GIMME GIMME!!"
You've got a point there hahaha. I'm not going to try desperately hard, but hey, maybe that criteria isn't getting the most kills or whatever, but something that doesn't waste your life.