Valence Valence comes from an idea that I had while forging my first map. The concept is this: create a floating forerunner structure with a see-through bottom with a kind of mystic feel and a scenic view. Then a map on that forerunner structure independant of it. This is the map: The map is four times symmetrical. It has four bases, Red, Blue, Green, and Purple, but the bases are designed to keep players out of it for the most part except for team variants such as Stockpile, Assault, and CTF. It is playable for all [standard] gametypes (and gametype spin-offs, so long as they are not map specific), except for the gametypes that really need their own separate map to play: Race and Invasion. The map IS jetpack compatible, as a matter of fact, it's compatible with ALL armour abilities. It even gives balances out the lesser used ones, such as hologram, with the map's layout all abilities only have their ups, there really aren't any armour abilities that are better than any other while playing this map. And yes, there are green dice on the map :3. I threw those in because they are moveable cover, and because they're also pretty cool. But to aesthetically balance it out, I added a mystic green lighting effect to the lower cave. While the looks are fun loving and the design is fun, the weapons have their part to play as well. Considering the map is split into four, there are four copies of each weapon: DMR, 1 spare clip, 30 sec respawn; Needle Rifle, 1 spare clip, 30 sec respawn; Plasma Pistol, 30 sec respawn; Grenade Launcher, 3 shots total, 120 sec respawn. All of these weapon have two upsides: they are fun-to-use weapons that generally favor the less competitive player, but they are weapons that need skill to master that generally turns on the more competitive crowd. Now I know what you're thinking, "What? Four Grenade Launchers? Es muy loco!" But I can assure you: While the Grenade Launcher can kill somebody or rip off their shields in one shot, it is for one much more nerfed than the rocket, for two there is little ammo, for three they take a very long time to respawn compared to how the map plays, and for four they are in the bases, which are in the corners of the map, which usually tends to turn off players (because if you try to get one, you usually miss out on some action elsewhere in the map). Lastly, describing the gameplay of the map. From the picture above you can see it is apparently multi-storied. But just like how I try to make all my maps, transportation is key. You can get to nearly anywhere in the map in a manner of a few seconds, save for CTF, traveling corner to corner and back again, which takes a bit longer. Action does tend to travel to the second story, but objective points and weapon spawns keep players on the ground level. I'd like to get to play the map with you, please comment your opinions (but don't give specific criticism until you've played the map) and send Firefly Benzu an invite. I'd like to circulate this map around with the Forgehub community before I post it. The map IS on my fileshare if you're curious and I'm not online, but remember that changes may still be made before I post it, although changes may not be made. Bear with me.
I enjoyed your map. In my opinion this map is good for 2v2 or 4 player free for all variants, good map to share a quick game with a few friends on.