Vadmont's Ossuary [Playtesters Needed]

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ProtoFury, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dang, 1 am? You must be like, seven hours ahead of me. (Or really bad at math XD) I'll still see about pulling yo in then, and if not, then we'll work something out some other time, whether it be this map or another lol.
  2. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll manage. it's 9:10 pm now, around 4 hours left right? or sumthin
    Sweden gogogo :D
    worst timezone in the world
    xD <3
  3. Knooox

    Knooox Forerunner

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    i will playtest it hit me up whenever im on alot my gt is - KnoooX -
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Now I see it. *face connects with palm*
  5. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol don't worry. We're playtesting right now, if anyone wants to join up.
  6. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, here's my "review" of the map so far :)
    (ugh sorry if my english is bad, 5:12 am school tomorrow. dont ask. (also swedish))
    It played of well, at the beginning we were only 4 but the party grew in size pretty quickly I think.
    I think that despite the maps size, it played off better than expected with only four people, and at least as good with more guys. I believe it was smart to get rid of those shield doors at the main entrance, they really made it easy for the defenders. I also liked the snipers at the attackers base, although I primarily didnt use them too often :) and despite the other team getting a few headshots sometimes.
    The overall castle geometry worked well, although everything were somewhat high up which occasionally were fatal x.x if you're clumsy like me (a)

    To point out some flaws that stood out:

    • High walkways/whatever + Clumsy me = Ouchy ouchy
    • That turret the defenders got should've been in a better position or shouldn't have been there at all. (Hmm, but you got rid of that later, righty?)
    • The spawns inside the castle were way too far away from the territories it seemed like, so you always needed to walk abit too more than normal in opinion. It's not too bad, but it's noticable.
    • The map lacked health packs, but I know you said you were going to add them later. The defenders also completely lacked weapons of any kind in their base, and surely the weapons they get in their loadouts (which were good, btw) worked, weapons on the map would give it a better feel, atleast for me.
    • INFECTION DIDNT WORK D: D: D: D: I really feel like this map would be really interesting to play infection on... contact me as soon as you get it working again. :)
    • Also, on the left entrance (looking from the attackers base) the doorway is kinda annoying as that bump in the ground is too big to even walk over, you need to jump. But it's too small to make it seem like it's supposed to be like it.
    This was the main issues I believe. Then there's also the usual tweaking, like maybe moving the attackers turrets to two different spots instead of right next to eachother or something.

    Love, Rolfero

    Got any other questions, just tell me.
  7. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, Rolf! I appreciate the review!

    As far as updating it and addressing said issues--

    -Height is just part of the map--chalk that one up to being dependant on the players. XD
    -I rearranged the defending turrets and, yes, removed the attacking turrets.
    -During playtesting, we removed the Shield Doors at the front entrance--they proved to give defenders far too much of an advantage. I may replace them for Invasion, removing them in Phase 2 after the bomb is detonated at the wall.
    -I also noticed the issue with the spawn distance, but as people eventually realized, attackers also have Mongooses. They don't do much in terms of actual defense, but they spawn right behind the initial spawns and provide much higher mobility around the base. I added two more to help with mobility through the fortress. In terms of respawn points, I added a number of new respawn points to heighten the chances of spawning within the first wall.
    -Health packs have been added in several spots around the fortress--unless the attackers are hanging back, they won't need health packs. If they're hanging back, they're not playing the gametype correctly, so it's their problem.
    -Class loadouts were created during playtesting, so most weapons have been removed from the map. The loadouts are fairly specialized, and I recieved generally positive reviews on them. I took off the rest of the weapons partly because they're nonlonher necessary with the loadouts added, and partly because the map is low on available funds. >.>
    -As far as the side entrance, that was meant to be sort of a rugged little path, but for the sake of my players, however, I have adjusted the angles to where it is possible to walk continuously from one side to the other. Cheers! :D
    -Barring any unforeseen consequences, INFECTION IS NOW UP. I figured out that I was accidentally using a Safe Area instead of a hill and designating that as the Safe Zone; which solved the whole "dying at start" thing, and then added more spawns, which fixed the "spawning next to the damn zombie" thing, and it has been set to allow weapon pickup for non-zombies. Unless I've missed any last details, we should be good to go from now on.

    The next two gametypes to be added will be One-Bomb Assault and, of course, Invasion, so stay tuned for those.

    I'll be playtesting the new changes and Infection again tonight, in roughly an hour and a half, maybe two hours. Anyone wanting to hop in can feel free to! Message or friend me--GT: ProtoFury. See ya online!

    EDIT: Also, forgot to mention:

    -I did leave certain weapons on the map. Each side has a sniper and a rocket launcher--for the attackers, their sniper rifle spawns immediately at their base, with a thirty-second respawn, and their rocket launcher is hidden somewhere in the caves along the side of the map, with a minute-long respawn. The sniper and rocket launcher are hidden together for the attackers, but to reach them, it will take some time-consuming jumping efforts, which I can't even pull off every time. These each sit with a two-minute respawn.
    -Not only did I add respawns for the defenders, I actually added quite a few for the attackers, especially up near the front, behind the cover closest to the walls. The base odds of spawning up there have increased threefold. This wasn't a complaint on anyone's part, but I did find the trekto the walls something I wasn't always keen on taking. Spawning up close on occasion will come in handy, but in exchange for a shorter run towards the base, options like the sniper and machine gun turrets have been left far behind. It all evens itself out.
    -I've edited the loadouts a bit more to make things even more playable, IMO.
    -ASSAULT GAMETYPE IS NOW FINISHED, barring any unforeseen issues.

    Playtests will begin within the hour, for anyone interested.
    #27 ProtoFury, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
  8. Afro Banzai

    Afro Banzai Forerunner

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    Hey proto! I had a lot of fun play testing your map. It really is a great map.

    The only concerns I had all seemed to be resolved. Keep up the good work and hit me up if you want to play test some more!
  9. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    I can definitely say that this was a great map to play on. Once we had more people present, the gameplay increased accordingly. The only qualm I had was the sniper rifle at the base of the attackers. I feel that if promoted at least one person to only camp and go for kills. While this helped the attackers, it felt like an unfair advantage. As far as I know, the defenders did not have a sniper rifle of their own, this made counter sniping much more difficult. Although a skilled marksman could still hit the attacking sniper with a DMR, but the cover provided for the attackers made killing the sniper from that range next to impossible. Other than that, the map played extremely well for the territories next. It would be a great candidate for other objective gametypes.
  10. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright, now that I'm back online and rarin' to go, I'm gonna work on the Invasion gametype for this. Playtesting of the other types is still ready to be had, however--so far, it's Infection, Assault, and Territories. Lemme know if you're up for a test.
  11. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    Your map is awesome; I'm always up for playtesting it more.
  12. ProtoFury

    ProtoFury Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, Angel! I'm doing some matchmaking right now, but give it a bit and I'll be ready for some playtesting, provided we can get 4+ people in on it.

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