
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by AoMUnknownV2, Nov 21, 2010.

  1. AoMUnknownV2

    AoMUnknownV2 Ancient
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    Vadeball is the most insane game that ive ever made so far. its kind of like fumball but a more twist to it, but i guarantee that you will get addicted to this one. vadeball is a oddball game that you have to hold on to the oddball as long as possible. everyone spawns with grenade launchers and it has bottomless clips and you can shoot your grenade launcher as long as you want. the only thing that i called it vade ball is because you have evade and trust me your evade is your life saver, and i made a map specifically for evade. your evade can shoot you from your base to the otherside in matter of sec and you can dodge the grenade launcher shots and all of that stuff.

    on top mid the oddball spawns above the middle area, and the only ways to get the oddball is the 4 ramps on each base, but let me tell you, you got to use your evade for this and you got to hit it perfectly or you will not get the oddball, or you can find your own evade jumps to get it. If you dont want to use your evade just simply use the man cannon, its the easiest way. i put the man cannon there for 2 reason. 1 to get the oddball more easier and 2 for the oddball carrier because he cant use evade, if he does he will drop the oddball.

    the score is up to 150 points and the power weapon, and im telling you now, you need to get the concussion rifle that spawns on the platforms on the left or right side on top mid and it spawns in 80 seconds, if not then your screwed because you will be in power and its more accurate than the grenade launcher, but your grenade launcher does a little more damage than the concussion rifle. when you pick up the oddball you can run really fast and jump high. i just hope you guys will have fun with this one and please COMMENT on this map and tell me what you think, Enjoy VADEBALL


    #1 AoMUnknownV2, Nov 21, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2010
  2. Squidkake

    Squidkake Forerunner

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    Nice concept. You get a DL from me :)
  3. EmoTimmi

    EmoTimmi Forerunner

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    Awesome. DL'ing. Can u set it to like a Grifball gametype too? it would go even more well with my friends, who will also DL it then.
  4. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
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    I really like this idea you have came up with. The concept is certainly original and I like the fact that there are teams, not FFA. You also have good aesthetics and it seems like a pretty balanced map. I do have a few questions though. First of all, can the person with the ball evade? That could change a lot of things strategically. Second of all, does the spawning work well? As in, can one team camp the spawns? Great map. I would just like some more details about it.

    And no offence, but your spelling and grammar in the description is really bad. Your map would gain more respect (I'm serious) if you simply had correct sentence structure and proper capitalization. Sorry if I am being annoying, but trust me you will gain respect from the community.

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