Vaccilation v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Norlinsky, May 26, 2008.

  1. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest


    Like my other map, Claustrophobia, the name actually corresponds to the particular map. Vacillation means to be in a state of hesitation, which is exactly what the players will be in. There are two sides which make this map perfect for team games such as SWAT, slayer, or Capture the Flag. However, there is a catch. The two sides are very small and separating the sides is an explosive trench. Every 10 seconds, a fusion coil falls down and triggers many other fusion coils in the trench, making it very difficult to cross in time. After 60 seconds, a bridge spawns down the middle, connecting the two sides.

    The link to the map is somewhere in this sentence.

    Bridge spawn- 60 seconds
    Fusion coil drop and spawn- every 10 seconds

    Weapons: There are 2 spike grenades on each side, 2 snipers, 2 BRs, and a turret. No shotgun or rocket launcher, or anything like that because of the small size of the map. Snipers are the only power weapon which is ironic, because scoping is pretty much pointless.

    This is version 2 because of the fully interlocked roof, creating no possible way to escape. If you don't believe me, check this picture out

    And now I present...the screenshots.....

    Turret at one base​


    Sniper at same base​


    Sniper at other base​


    Turret at other base​


    THE BRIDGE!!!​


    Remember, don't fall into the trench...​


    So that's my map. No "FIRST POST"ing!!! And here's another link in case you missed it=


    #1 Norlinsky, May 26, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2008
  2. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks good
    but i think an overview would help
    i get the jist of the map except for the layout, i also like the "death Pit" type thing in the middle, aka the trench
  3. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    V1 was good so V2 should be better. downloading the mapzorz
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Well it's a small map, and since I put on the roof, I couldn't get a full view. Look at turret or sniper at base one. That's pretty much the full base except for the spawn(behind the shield door). And then look at the sniper and turret at base two. They both show the FULL bases except for the spawns. The spawns by the way are shortly behind the shield doors on both sides. Sorry about that, but I couldn't get a good overview

    By the way, if a mod sees this, can you please change the title to Vacillation? It's a slight spelling error but I want it fixed. Thanks
    #4 Norlinsky, May 26, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2008
  5. IllJackYouUp

    IllJackYouUp Ancient
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    seems like it would insane for large partys looks like alot of fun i like how u put the spawning room so theres no spawn killing
    There is no Evolution only a list of creatures CHUCK NORIS alows to live
  6. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Look very great, nice interlocking great job man
  7. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i love inclosed maps, and this one looks great! the interlocking looks really smooth and the design looks really cool. it is a very cool idea and a good map.

    to get an overview you could delete the roof and then take a screenshot and then just quit and it'll revert obviously.
  8. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good interlocking and everything, but I'm not a big fan of really small competitive maps as such. There's barely any cover and it just seems like there'd be continuous streams of fire from player to player in every battle. It looks like there's no place to find refuge except for backtracking into that shield door room. There's nothing really interesting about this map that encourages me to DL, but that's just me. Aside from all of that, you are pretty skilled at interlocking and the like.
  9. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just delete the roof to take a screenshot, its not hard.
    Becasuse of its size and layout, I dont see this producing epic gameplay. But that is based on the screens, so dont take that too seriously. I cant dl right now because I have no free slots. But I will when I can. Construction looks great, very neat, interlocked.
    10 seconds seems a little short. I'm assuming that evey fusion coil is set to 10 not just the falling one. It may be interesting if all the others were set to 20. So that every second time the coil is dropped it produces a large bang.
  10. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    I agree with Linubidix. This map needs an overview. Just do what Linu said and your good. Just save it as a new map when you delete the roof, then delete it once you've got the shots you want.
  11. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    You know what, i think this looks excellent for 1v1 or 3-4 man FFA.

    I question the use of the turrets and two snipers. One sniper would be the ideal, situated on the bridge. Thus making the sides equal, without giving each team the power weapon. Maybe changing it up a bit would be good too. Such as having a Carbine instead of a BR etc.

    Your interlocking looks excellent and clean, as well as the layout (despite its size, but thats a good thing in a way). My concern is the Spawning. With such a small space, lack of cover when respawning will always be an issue, its a shame you didn't include any extra areas, even just small cubby-holes to respawn in.

    Still, it looks pretty tasty :)
  12. RadiantOpaque

    RadiantOpaque Ancient
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    A map that changes over time... I LOVE IT! This forge technique definitely needs to be used more often. It sparks new, creative maps that are fun to play on.

    I can picture gameplay with people shouting, "Oh come on, when is that DANG BRIDGE GONNA SPAWN!?"

    I can't wait to play on this.
  13. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Version 3 is coming out soon. It features a new path in the map, leading around half the map, connecting the 2 sides. I am also taking away the snipers, and putting a power weapon in the middle of the path. Any new ideas or comments, PM me

    XxNAPALM FURYxX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i totally agree with Fly and linubidix it needs and overview so you can see all of the map and im also a little confused does the bridge spawn in the middle of the game or what?
  15. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    It spawns after 60 seconds, connecting the 2 bases. But I'm coming out with v3 soon which will have an overview and everything

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