V8 Released, bitches.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Shanon, Mar 15, 2010.

  1. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    GUARDIAN BALL! I MISSED YOU BBE!!!! <3333333333333

    Nice call, Shanon. Can't wait to play em...anyone up for some customs? :D
  3. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Meh, I got some time.

    I don't have my mic though!

    Senior Member

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    Construct TS has a custom camo? WTF?
  5. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    How can you take a gametype seriously when it's v8...
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    They change it every season. The version change doesn't mean it's a major new change, it just means it's a new season. That usually entails very small changes (removing two spawns, removal of plasma nades on Heretic...), it's only purpose is to signify a new version. The majority of v8's don't even change from v7's, which probably haven't changed from v6...etc.
  7. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I was expecting a thread based around something more like this:


  8. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    I'll play some customs.. maybe get in a few 1v1's.

    And yay, I loved guardian ball, however camp-er-riffic it was.
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Epic win. I loved how the vast majority of those who cheered at Guard Ball's removal gradually turned around to whining about it being gone all the time. I never thought a map would get bandwagoners...

    I really like that actually, could prove to be a significantly better set up breaker than the v7 CPU. That always amounted to a team being stuck down low, waiting on the CPU then charging P lifts, generally one guy ahead of the custom guy. Pretty dull and not massively competitive tbh, Construct did sorely need something else down low to counter top control but OS just wasn't it. I'll be really interested to see how the Camo works in game, I can see some really nice flanks up sword legs and open ramp with it, should allow a bit more strategy for a team pinned down low. Me likey.

    Few things Forge are ever really perfect, MLG is an ongoing thing so they might as well be tweaking regularly, which is basically what the versions are like Insane said. Also the first couple of versions were more getting to grips with the game and options, I mean Isolation was in there for god's sake (Insane, just don't start....:p).

    Liking this version overall, though I'm a little surprised to see Heretic Ball gone so soon. I guess such a direct reversal of choices for Ball isn't something they'd do lightly, but I didn't think that Heretic Ball was so unpopular. I have to admit though, spawn killing in the opposite base to the ball does get a little dull to watch and play, though in terms of playing I'm more often the one getting spawn killed :(. MLG really seems to be having trouble with objective in H3 (aside from CTF obviously, because it's epic win), Ball and Hill have both had a bit of a rough time finding truly solid maps, reflected in the slimming down of options for both and the problems that remain even with those left behind. I really hope that Reach offers more varied and solid choices for these two gametypes in competitive terms, or at least fixes Forge to the extent to which people can build such maps themselves and not face the resistance which seems to come from MLG with respect to Forge maps.
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Agreed. I'd love to see what some pros, most particularly T2, will do with the invis. We'll have to see next event....with the addition of Heinz, I think he can expand his strategies to something that centers T2's power weapons specialty with the invis, grabbing some power weapons, gives them a quick advantage. Heinz and Legit hold down support (and are probably the best two players to do so), and Snipedown's got sniper. Str8 Rippin's "game" could turn from Amplified (which they've seemed to start choking on hard, when it used to be their best by far) to Construct, which is even better because Construct is also Hill. More games=more wins.

  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    True, I still can't get over Heinz not being on tD anymore though :(. Also I'll be interested to see what really sneaky players like Pistola and Walshy do with it, I think we're gonna see some backsmackin'.

    "All it needs is callouts"

    #11 Pegasi, Mar 16, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2010
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Ohhhhh, new T2 pro tips. Can't wait. "Here's another pro tip! When you grab the invis, don't immediately rush into the enemies; instead you should wait until you are FULLY INVISIBLE!" or something on that order. Super pro tips.

    Someday...I will get real callouts working on the map. AND THEN....I WILL SHOW THE WORLD MY GENIUS! ISOLATION IS A REAL MAP TOO!

    MLG Isolation for MLG Circuit 2010.
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Lol, so true.

    If you fix the fact that 90% of the surfaces make me cry when I try to bounce frags then maybe. Oh, also you have to fix the height differential issues with top mid and the resulting spawn questions. So basically, if you hack H3 in such a way that you can physically redesign the map, then we'll talk :p. I have a soft spot for Isolation, but for MLG I'm far from convinced.
  14. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    (Epic silence)

    WOO! Guardian Ball is back boyyyyy!

    Would have been better, in my personal opinion, if Amplified and KoTH Construct were both removed.
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

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    Isolation would be a great addition, I think. I don't think the spawns are that bad. I have a super soft spot for Iso as well.. I regard it pretty much as highly as the Pit with Multi-Flag (almost). Super underrated.

    Also, what are the custom camo settings?
    #15 LIGHTSOUT225, Mar 16, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2010
  16. Spaceneil8

    Spaceneil8 Ancient
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    Regular Camo, but 60 sec instead of 30.

    Personally, I really am disappointed with MLG. They ignored all the Map pack maps, citadel, assembly, and decided to keep Onslaught and Amplified. v8 was practically a slap to the face to the H3FF at MLG, saying that every map that we made for the past two years is worse than Onslaught.
  17. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    To be completely honest, I prefer Onslaught to all of Map Pack 2 (I can't recall any MP1 maps off hand, so I won't talk about them). Perhaps due to it's sheer simplicity, and yes, I know it's practically just Heretic. I can't say that I've played any of the MP2 hundreds of times or whatever, but I've played each a few times and none really caught me as worthy of the last couple circuits of Halo 3 MLG. I wouldn't say it's a slap to the face, but they haven't had time to prove themselves and be tweaked. Hopefully there'll be more community stuff out there in Reach MLG.

    If anything, I could see Ignite replacing Amplified (preferably without the ramp going up to P2). Other than that....ehhh.

    Citadel and Assembly, IMO, just weren't going to cut it. They did set them up for FFA so we know that they put some decent time into making them work, but Citadel to me just feels weak in terms of teamwork options, and Assembly is littered with spawn problems (though if they had got it working I feel it could be excellent).

    @LIGHTS: To be completely honest, the spawns are awful. With a decent team it's a spawn, get instantly spawn killed over and over. Along with that, as Peg said, the surfaces seem to cling to grenades like glue, and it's technically asymettric, all of which makes a massive difference in MLG. I'd LOVE to see an Isolation-like map that supports MLG better in Reach :p
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I like the way top mid down to bottom brown works, but I think the top bases are badly designed to balance off against that, offering questionable and inconsistent cover from top mid for spawning, holding, or constructing a decent push on top mid. The bases are too focused around the underside of the map imo, and if you reflect this in a spawn ethic (and you would have to change from default in at least some cases, a decent amount of the top spawns on default Iso would just be instant death in a team set up kinda game, and not even in the way MLG likes to promote) ie. spawning heavily down low, then you get the kind of vertical top control problem which we see discussed in Construct. Routes up top with a team holding top mid and a base/brown would just be painful imo, relying heavily on the P lifts once again (which I'm not too comfortable about for MLG in their own right, placement and path wise). One of the key top disruptors in the spawns either side of top mid would just have to go, not MLG in the slightest, cementing this imbalance even further imo.

    I think if the lower end of the hill and the side bases had some more substantial division from top mid then we'd actually see some holdable areas up top apart from top mid itself. As it is I can either see it being a) just run and gun (and quite imbalanced run and gun at that), b) keep the enemy contained down low or c) try and hold down low yourself, which is hardly very MLG in itself but with the largely enclosed nature of down low I think it might even become a viable strat in a pinch, which would just be horrible.

    I do really like Iso, I think it really shines in many standard gametypes, but I don't think it's right for MLG in sooooo many ways. Sorry, rather long and off topic rant there, I just sat down last night after posting in here and thought over exactly why I don't think it'd work for MLG.

    Yep, and that's exactly why, when padding my ranked multikills in Team Swat, I was always so happy to get Iso. My first jaro ... in SWAT Magnums, just lols. I don't actually think the slight asymm thing is really a problem tbh, though out of interest did you set up your version (for TS at least) as set base spawns or dynamic like Amp TS? But I still love it, and I agree that it'd be really great to see something of a similar principle done in Reach. It's a really nice design principle, and it's not even that I think it's necessarily flawed as is, just, as I say, not right for MLG as a particular application.

    Back OT:
    Agreed perfectly on Citidel, much as I really like it, it's got problems. Though I do think that actually, with the shotgun corridors walled off it's pretty good, I'd personally far from rule it out. Imo, Assembly is not fun, the central open areas outside of bases are just bumpy and 'orrible imo, jumps in that area from low to high aren't spaced right at all imo, and I just never feel comfortable with general map movement on that map as a whole. But tbh what MLG actually needs is Ball/Hill maps, so it always mystifies me how people complain most vocally about things like Amp and Ons still being in there when there are MUCH bigger actual deficiencies which Forge maps could be filling.

    As far as replacing Amp/Ons goes, you have to think that a replacement can't be based on being a bit better or refined, because quite simply such an attitude would be counter productive for MLG. A vast amount of team strategy comes from knowing maps inside out, and switching stuff up for a small change or tweak is detrimental to this end, screwing teams over for a change that isn't really worth it in this light. If a map which has been on the circuit for aages and has become a staple part of strategy is to be changed, then there needs to be a very good reason (which, if the map has been on the circuit that long, there is unlikely to be in MLG's eyes). Basically, the principle of variety and interesting map decisions is, I think, over touted with respect to MLG, since it's actually at odds with how teams and players come to use and treat maps. Also I think a good amount of MLG's resistance with Forge maps comes from the frankly sub par nature of Forge as an editor. If Bungie ACTUALLY let us build geometry properly in Reach (an aspect of this being that the game would treat it as actual geometry, and not objects used to achieve that effect), then hopefully MLG will be more open to community created maps when deciding on options. I also think that having such options right from the off will help ease community creations in to this longstanding tradition to which offhand changes are highly detrimental.
    #18 Pegasi, Mar 16, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2010
  19. Spaceneil8

    Spaceneil8 Ancient
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    I was pretty frustrated when I made that post. The fact of the matter is that there are a plethora of maps that are better than the maps that are on the circuit right now.

    Onslaught and Amplified are extremely out dated. I can easily name 15 maps that are better than Onslaught. Onslaught not only has terrible spawns, repetitive gameplay, and bad LoS, but it is also extremely redundant with heretic on the circuit. Amplified is a good map, but it has major spawn problems (KC really dislikes Ignite BTW). Other bad gametypes include Pit TS, Narrows TS, and Construct TS. I'm glad they did something about Construct but Pit plays way to slow, and campy at high levels, and Narrows has some pretty bad spawns, and linear gameplay. But these reasons make Pit CTF and Narrows CTF some of the best gametypes on the circuit.

    The real reason why MLG didn't drastically change the gametypes was that they wanted to keep the top 8 teams consistent. New maps would drastically alter the seeds and the placings. MLG wants you to be able to continue rooting for your favorite team with out the worry that the new gametypes will change the placings.

    But I guarantee you this, if H3 was released right now with all the maps on the disc, some of the maps that are on the circuit right now wouldn't even see the light of day. Citadel (with shotgun blocked), assembly (with bases blocked), Blackout, and Cold Storage would definitely have a spot on the pro circuit. Also, MLG lacks asymmetrical maps. Symmetrical maps are only good for flag, and slayer (with sided spawns). Asymmetrical maps not only make it more exciting to watch, but the also required a lot more map knowledge and coordination. Just look at H: CE, almost all of its maps are Asymmetric and it is probably the most competitive game MLG ran.

    I'm disappointed that MLG didn't take a chance with v8. If any of the new gametypes that we have had gotten the same amount of time for its metagame to develop as the maps that are currently on the circuit, then everyone would support the new gametypes alot more.

    EDIT: Iso King is very good. Better than Pit King IMO.
    #19 Spaceneil8, Mar 17, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2010
  20. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
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    I'm going to break the quote train. Bear with me...

    Spaceneil since when does KC "really dislikes ignite BTW”?

    KC loves what I did with yellow and the bases, the middle was average even though it was artistic as hell - a ballsy move ;) ... the only thing he disliked was upper purple tower.

    There were a few things that got in the way of including new maps.

    The mlg forge community never got its act together and KC didn’t want to deal with all the hypocrisy shitanagains. It's pretty simple; your map better be noticeably better than everyone else’s AND it better play better and have more longevity of competitive merit than Bungie maps. TBH everyone went communism when it came to the glorified map pack 2 and there was no incentive to make the ballin ass maps needed to break the foundry mold through a combination of us forgers being jackasses and mlg staffers being asshats.

    There was a point where mlg staff viewed the forgers as being 100% at the fault.

    That was true through summer '09 near the beginning of productions of sandbox maps and still true til this day.

    How do I know? Because I was talking to KC every single day back then. Do I talk to him today? No. Are there still unnecessarily huge questions that need to be clarified? yes. Is MLG going to try and fix the problems they started? No, they 101% wont.

    You're playing the developer role when getting a map played by the pro circuit. A.) MLG community needs to stop acting so spoiled B.) Compensation is due but not given. (If MLG was truly a world class company I wouldn't be standing off to the sides in the dark next-in-line every time I go to an event with a thanks-k-shake-and-goodbye)

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