v5 Gametypes and Maps have been announced by GH057ayame. The list below are the names of the v5 maps and gametypes. Station 9 and Vertigo are in and Dispatch and Adrift are out. I am personally glad to see Adrift off the circuit even though it's a disc map. There are now 3 DLC maps, 2 disc maps and 3 forge maps which makes 8 maps total. Team Slayer Abandon Haven Onyx Pitfall Vertigo Capture The Flag Simplex Skyline Extraction Haven Station 9 Ricochet Pitfall Simplex Here are links to GH057ayame's file share: Download v5 Gametypes Download v5 Maps
Onyx and Simplex are one in the same. You would think that the state Halo is in right now they would try something new............
There are some surprises for me here. I really thought we were finally getting rid of Station 9. I don't enjoy that map at all, and it's not fun to watch. I'm doubtful about Vertigo as a competitive map, but interested to see how it works. Surprised to Simplex in for Ricochet. I assume something game breaking must have arisen on Skyline?... Disappointed that The Ark isn't in for either Slayer or Extraction. Looking forward to seeing how Ricochet plays out at a high level.
But Simplex is just as broken for Ricochet as Skyline was on account of the asymmetry of the bases favoring one team.
*posts salot meme here* From the pre-release discussions, I thought that we would be in a very different spot than the one we are in now with v5. I did not expect 3 Midship gametypes (at least they're on different maps.. but Simplex Ricochet does raise asymmetry concerns), Station 9 aka "omg teamshot = skillful", Pit TS and Ricochet but no CTF (We experienced the awfulness of Pit TS in Halo 3 - there's no need to do it again with Sprint and no descope snipers). Overall, my appreciation about the removal of Dispatch/Adrift outweighs the above concerns - v5 IMO is a step up from v4.. but it's nothing revolutionary or special at all. IMO it's just another TTD update.
Once you understand their motivations it all becomes clear... ( don't ask me what they are, I haven't a clue).. But I will add this. It seems that the emphasis has swung from infinity to ttd style of thinking and the community maps reflect this, all being vanilla arena style maps. It seems that the pendulum is getting into a position to swing back. I think the larger population base (as opposed to the competitive community) want maps that are more entertaining and don't give a flying..... about deep strategies. I say this because as forgers we need to produce a wider range of maps for 343i to consider.
I hope they do it. I enjoy watching average competitive players play no sprint settings more than I enjoy watching the best players play with sprint.
Ghost's leaving Halo. EU is dropping v5. AGL is going to be running Halo 3 tournaments from now on instead of Halo 4. What do you guys think this means for competitive forging in Halo 4? (Don't forget the rebranding of Team Throwdown as Team Hardcore..)
Some people that forge hoping to have their maps played competitively will quit. The people that forge because the enjoy it will continue to forge. I'd be surprised if more than a couple handfuls of people give it up based upon these recent events. The vast majority have quit already for various reasons.