Sandbox Utah Mambo

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Cosmic Rick, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Please note, there is a newer (possibly constantly updated) version in my FS (slot 6) which has some pretty significant improvements.

    <<Download Utah Mambo>>

    Utah Mambo Logo:

    Rave Reviews:
    Map Haiku:
    Fight amidst the sands.
    Weave between choppers and ghosts.
    Suck laser, you noobs!

    In 2612, an intrepid group of space archeologists began their excavation of an artifact of immense power known only as the "Big Blue Obelisk." After setting up a base of operations around the enormous stone structure, they sent a small scouting party to the nearby ruins to begin collecting samples. Unbeknownst to the archaeologists, this trek angered the highly territorial warriors of the Clan of the Temple of the Red Serpent Tongue. The warriors, after consulting their local shaman took up a strong and violent defense against the trespassers. They vowed to protect their holy artifacts - The Great Flag of the Clan of the Temple of the Red Serpent Tongue, The Great Bomb Plant Point of the Clan of the Temple of the Red Serpent Tongue, The Five Sacred Territories of the Clan of the Temple of the Red Serpent Tongue, and so on - with their lives. And thus the battles began.

    Recommended for: 8-16 players

    Overview and Important Weapons:
    Here's an image showing the location of the most important weapons/vehicles.

    Vehicle Loadout:

    Chopper Sx2, Ax1
    Ghost x1
    Warthog Sx0, Ax1
    Mongoose x6
    Hornet, Transport x1
    Note: There is no Banshee on this map, despite its presence in a lot of the screenshots. (It's a fun - and overpowering - vehicle replacement option if you want to play around with the loadout, though)

    Weapon Loadout:

    Carbine x6
    BR x10
    Rockets Sx2, Ax1
    Laser x1
    Sniper x2
    Needler x2
    Shotgun x2
    Mauler x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Plasma Rifle x4
    Spiker x4
    Machine Gun Turret Sx0, Ax1
    Power Drainer x2
    Bubble Shield x1
    Grav-Lift Sx2, Ax1

    Recommended Gametypes:

    Utah Mambo supports all gametypes (symmetric and asymmetric), but the following are suggested:
    - 1-flag*
    - Team KotH*
    - Multi Flag*
    - 1-Bomb*
    - Rocket Race
    - Territories*
    - Team Slayer*
    - Land Grab

    *BR starts recommended, particularly with smaller parties


    Image Camera Angles:
    This just shows you where all the images are from, so you can get a feel for where everything is. You'll note that though the two sides are fairly different in geometry, that the lines of sight and vehicles/weapons available to both teams in symmetrical games are pretty close to identical.

    1: View From D-Base
    The main purpose of this map was to showcase what you could do geomerging into the sand-walls around Sandbox's main area. The result is the D-Base pictured here in the foreground.

    2: View From O-Base
    The offensive base is meant to be a launch-pad for the attackers in asymmetrical games but also to double as an equally defensible base in symmetrical games. It's not as easy to hide here as it is in the expansive D-Base, but this drawback is balanced by easier access to the same weapons given the defenders.

    3: D-Base Interior
    The D-Base sports a pretty open inner area with multiple ways in and out (note, you have to crouch for one of them). It's a good place for defenders to stay out of the line of fire, but also a welcome respite for flagging attackers.

    4: Hornet Down
    The main 'deck' of the D-Base is a good place to land a hornet... but also a good place to get sniped or lasered.

    5: The O-Base
    The O-base features a significantly different aesthetic from the D-Base and it'll take different skills to make the most out of your stay there. Note that the final version is slightly more robust than indicated in this image.

    6: The Central Corridor
    A lot of the fighting goes down in the central structure, and holding the top is key in games of territories or KotH. Watch out for snipers and Hornets, though.

    7: The Watchful Hornet
    The hornet is probably the biggest power weapon on the map, but there are a number of ways to take care of it.

    8: The Cross
    With its brother, the... umm... anti-cross, these side structures help spread out the gameplay. Rockets (with only 2 shots) spawn here.

    9: Laser Use 101
    Remember what I said about that Hornet?

    10: The Middle Ground
    Generic action shot.

    11: Get to da Choppa!
    Chopper use is pretty important on this map, and much of the geometry was designed around their use. They're one of the best tools of vehicle deprivation available to either team. Plus, you know... RECONZ!!!

    Map Videos: BLOOD F1R3 (thanks a lot man, it turned out great) SixteenthSpy (also thanks, but I had no idea you were making it)

    Final Thoughts:

    Well, Sandbox is going to be one hell of a fun map to play around with. I'm glad I got my hands on it early so I could churn this guy out. Thanks to Devinish for letting me steal his idea/the idea behind a passing comment. Thanks to my testers, and thanks to anyone who gets a game or two in on this map.

    <<Download Utah Mambo>>
    #1 Cosmic Rick, Mar 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2009
  2. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sweet you got it up man!!!
    I saw Insane on it, looks great, I really like it, you have done such a great job!
    Can't wait to laser some n00bs...haha,
    We should plan a match on it :D

    Senior Member

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    That looks insane! Im amazed at how much geoglitching you got into it, and how you made use of not only the middle, but the sand dunes around it! I believe this would make some epic One sided games.

    I will test at later time, but I have downloaded!
  4. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    SWEET! Finally posted it. Great map to play on mate as I've told you before. Proof that geomerging is possible and can look great when the map maker takes his time. That red base is a thing of pure beauty.

    For those who don't know, the red base is quite large. I once saw a banshee flying around in there.
  5. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Yeah, this map is what happens when you take time and dedication to construct, unlike all the other craptacular Sandbox maps that have been rushed out so quickly. I'm really glad that you took out the Banshee, it was just too much. The D-base is a pure work of art; I simply must learn how you merged into the sand dunes so cleanly like that. Great job as usual, Cosmic.
  6. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Maturity in the map forums : Something SiiD doesn't have
    Good to see you posted this, I had the honor of testing it, even though I had to leave early. A couple things
    ~the map geometry is bitching. You've gotten around all the little glitches! arg! D base is a work of art
    ~While it is a remake, and the same concept is kept, it feels tons different from tango. Prolly cus its a sym/asym BTB version
    ~Br's are unstopable on the map. Theres very little cover besides the scattered structures. but w/e its a load of fun.
  7. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Featured in 3...2...

    No, really, though. This is ridiculously thought-out and perfectly executed. I mean...geomerging on a brand new level in which virtually no maps have been made? Can you say going the extra mile, mentlegen? I'm really, really impressed.

    The D-Base...I

    Look forward to playing on this one.
  8. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    I'm downloading solely on the name lol *looks at location*

    Nah, it actually looks like a really cool map. You're the one who made Kentucky Tango, right?

    Anyway, good job, and I'll post my impressions after I have played it.

    EDIT: My Impressions -

    - I really love what you have done with the Geomerging. I would like to know how you did it lol
    - I can honestly tell that you put a considerable amount of time into this map
    - The Hornet, mixed with the Choppers, Warthogs, and Ghost seem like it would be very hectic - yet very fun - for those who love vehicle-based combat
    - I kind of get the feeling the the middle area where the Splaser is gets pretty hectic. I imagine tons of grenades would be flying around in there. Again, another example of a hectic, yet fun aspect.
    - I like how you kept it open enough for vehicles, and yet you added plenty of cover and inside areas for Close Quarters. I like that in a map.
    - Another thing to go along with the above thought would be that there is a good amount of high ground areas, as well as lower ground areas. I imagine having the high ground would be very effective against Vehicles.

    Overall, I really enjoyed the flythrough and it just makes me want to go into Customs right now and play it. I can't wait to show this to my friends. I give it a 5/5

    It definitely has put some map ideas into my head. :p
  9. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    I gotta say I don't like the name.
    I dig the mixing the state names with the dance names, but utah mambo has a weird sound to it that im not jiving with.

    Having said that, I enjoyed the games that I've played on it and I hope to play more.
    Great effort.
  10. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    This is definetly going to be featured. It just proves how many new geometries are possible with sandbox. It has superbulous weapon placement, and I can't wait until my friends get mythic so I can play it with them. I also just love the geomerged based, into the side of the wall. The whole things just epic. 10/10, reviewionair!

    P.S. Are you planning on making a map for every state? For your next name you should have a contest or a poll to decide which state gets it next! That would be cool.
  11. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    I don't mind it, but maybe something with Arizona or Egyptian in it, you know the desert/excavation thing.
  12. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Yeah, I was going to go with Arizona something, but I just couldn't get a dance move to mesh with it the way I wanted. Besides, Utah has some pretty deserty areas as well... and it's not like Kentucky Tango made any sense anyway, lol...

    Anyway, thanks guys. Glad you like it so far. If anyone notices any problems with the map, please let me know! I did finish this up and post it pretty late in the night... but everything should be properly done.
  13. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Yeah, Southern Utah has some pretty deserty areas with lots of Sandstone. The name and location seem pretty fit. It still sort of doesn't make sense, but who cares? Lol
  14. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    Bookmarked. I'll surely make this the first thing i download once i get the Mythic pack. This map is certainly as good gameplay wise as Kentucky Tango, and offers new features that the Sandbox map gives it. The ascetics in my opinion are much better than in Kentucky Tango, and the map just looks and feels more open and free than KT. 10/10
  15. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    this map is hench
    feature again -_-
    ffs CR you need to stop doing this to us
    stop raising the goddamn bar
    ossim map man
  16. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    Arizona Soulja Boy. There you go.
    Amazing map, and the geo-merging section in forging 101 should be redone by you, because you sure know your stuff.
    4.5/5, cus nuthins purfect nowadays...
    Oh, and I saw your post involved with slapping a certain something against the wall, very funny.
  17. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    well played, sir. well played.

    I really dig the layout, as you know Cosmic. Ive been fortunate enough to be in on some of the test sessions for this, and it certainly does not disappoint. I haven't been able to get a game here since the banshee was switched for the ghost, but Im excited to, because I know it will work alot better and not be as restrictive on player movement. You really went above and beyond, as always. Has that real sandtrap feel with that dope Cosmic twist. Congrats
  18. ReMoViNg HeAdZ

    ReMoViNg HeAdZ Ancient
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    Excuse me while I pick up my jaw. This looks beautiful. But, I have a few questions...

    -What method did you use to merge into the dunes?
    -What type of hornet is that?
    -Where do you get your inspirations?

    ...and why didn't you call it Texas Square Dance?
  19. Atrain

    Atrain Ancient
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    Good job. Post 1 more and you'll have yourself the dancetacular map pack. Post 48 more and I'll do better in geography class. LOVE the geomerging, love the gameplay, love everything! 5/5
  20. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    I like it Cosmic, I really like it. I have yet to play a match, but I was there for the build and have since done a forge through on the finished product. I'm really digging the overall asymmetrical KT feel. I love Asym maps to begin with, so this map is not only epic, but right up my alley. I love the imposing feeling it gives off, it feels so much bigger whn you run around in it as opposed to the pictures. Good stff man and I am hoping to get a bunch of games on this soon.

    P.S. I woulda named it Death Valley Do Si Do :0)

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