Using Modio a no-no?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by luelf21, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. luelf21

    luelf21 Promethean

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    I was wanting to make a custom gametype that only changes a few things. They are to only allow up to 2 people on red team and up to 8 on blue team. Also the red team would be allowed 3 deaths before the game ended and blue team unlimited.

    Right now there is now way to do this but I though maybe using modio would allow it. I'm not exactly sure how modio works and my Xbox is unmodded so it may not even work at all. BUT would I be banned if I simply modded the gametype settings like listed above?

  2. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You wouldn't get banned. Modding is allowed on Xbox, but not on Forge Hub. So unfortunately you can't post your modded gametype here. Good luck making it though.
  3. luelf21

    luelf21 Promethean

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    That's unfortunate because that's why I wanted to do it. Oh well. Maybe in time they will update the custom game settings to include more options.
  4. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Don't get your hopes up. If anything they're probably working on incorporating more custom game options for Halo 5, since they started working on it a while ago. Changing Halo 4 doesn't make them any money, and the problem with customs doesn't appeal to them cause it would only useful to a pretty small niche of Halo gamers. Keep your fingers crosses and keep forging. That's all you can do.
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    That's not really accurate. Updating Halo 4 makes them money because a larger online population allows them to sell more DLC and allows Microsoft to sell more XBox Live Gold accounts. And eventually, it will allow them to sell more of Halo 5 as well, because they put effort into maintaining a player base during the two years it takes between releases. That's why games have patches; that's why Reach had a title update (actually several iterations of a title update), playlist updates, and new gametypes. That's also why Halo 4 has Spartan Ops.

    Don't get so cynical that you overlook how corporate cynicism actually benefits us. :) There may yet be some gametype expansion for Halo 4. God knows it needs it.
  6. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok maybe I should have re worded it. Doesn't make them MUCH money. Take PA1NTS for example. Your average gamer. Bought Halo 4. Waits for custom games to be updated. Custom games updated. PA1NTS got what he wanted. Spent zero dollars on getting it.

    In my opinion custom game options don't directly impact my decision to buy DLC, and it's not gunna make anyone I know go buy a Gold Account.

    I think it does keep the online population playing though. The ones that knew custom games sucked are gunna be excited.

    That's not to say updating custom games wouldn't positively affect the online population. I'm just saying, the scale of that increase in population is out of our knowledge to judge.
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    You're right that the impact of new gametypes on their bottom line is minimal, compared to lots of other ongoing maintenance (general playlist updates and title updates being the primary two of the non-paid-for options). But gametype updates and additions involve very little dev time and expense, compared to the two things I just mentioned. Creating and testing an infection variant with a few more options, or importing Race from Reach, would take literally just a few man hours, more than likely.

    Creating a new gametype from whole cloth would take longer, but it's not as likely and people aren't really asking for it. We just want Race, old Infection, Insane, etc. back again, for the most part; or for a couple of old options to be added back to a gametype we already have.
  8. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    NOooo kidding. They gotta put their own twisted signature and direction to the game. Can't just keep whats fun. Bungie did that. "AND WE'RE NOT BUNGIE!" (Frank O'Connor raging voice)
  9. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    I know your real question has already been answered, but I figured I'd just let you know, it's probably not possible, and even if it were you would need a lot more than just Modio. Very little can be modded in gametypes and still work on a retail xbox. The majority of the mods you might have seen, like the unimplemented AAs and weapons, are on modded xboxes. And Modio itself doesn't mod gametypes. It's really just a file structure access tool and a resigner with a handful of little savemodding apps attached to it.

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