I was just wondering that when you hit your item limit can you delete objects from the glitch to free up space? Also is it true Bungie doesnt submit glitch maps into matchmaking
I'm not sure about the first part, but yeah Bungie doesn't allow glitched maps in matchmaking (they're laggy).
If by glitch you mean Budget Glitched, then yes. You can delete the budget glitched objects to free space. Be careful though. If you delete a wall and it was your only one, you now have no walls.
Not true scope, if you delete a wall, here are the steps to get it back and re-glitched. 1.Save 2.Quit. 3.Start game 4.Spawn wall. 5.Save. 6.Quit. 7.Press X on your wall to go into the options screen (or select it from the build menu) 8.Change the run time maximum to one more than the amount placed on the map (in your case 2) 9.Save 10.Quit. 11.Enjoy 12.Profit?