NOTICE: CONTEST POSTPONED FOR REVISION. THIS IS NOT A CLOSURE NOTICE Current Categories: FFA Categories: FFA Slayer- maps designed for slayer in a Free-For-All atmosphere FFA Objective- maps designed for Oddball, KOTH, and Headhunter in a Free-For-All atmosphere 'Goose Race- maps designed for races that use the Mongoose Banshee Race- maps designed for races that use the Banshee Infection- maps designed for infection gametypes Med. Team Categories (4v4): Med. Team Slayer- maps designed for slayer in a 4v4 atmosphere Med. Team Objective- maps designed for Oddball, Headhunter, Stockpile, KOTH, and Territories in a 4v4 atmosphere Med. Team CTF/Assault- maps designed for CTF and/or Assault in a 4v4 atmosphere Categories to Come: Small Team Categories (2v2): Small Team Slayer- maps designed for slayer in a 2v2 atmosphere Big Team Categories (8v8): Big Team Slayer- maps designed for slayer in an 8v8 atmosphere Big Team CTF/Assault- maps designed for CTF and/or Assault in an 8v8 atmosphere Special Categories: Invasion (6v6)- maps designed for Invasion and/or Invasion Slayer Multi-Team (3v3v3v3)-maps designed for 4 teams of 3 Rules: Section 1: Submission Maps are to be submitted in the following format to the submission thread. Submissions will only be accepted from 9/5/2011 to 10/1/2011. The submission thread will be created on 9/5, so do not attempt to post a map here. Simply replace the words inside the curly brackets with your own map's details and post it. Fields marked with a * are necessary, all others are purely optional and will have no effect on judging. Fields marked with ** are not necessary, but do effect judging. Section 2: Violations Maps must include: -Spawning -Structure -Weapons -Safe/Kill Volumes Contestants may not: -Submit ForgeArt -Use curse words in map or map title -Submit more than one entry per category -Participate in more than 2 categories -List themselves as a review Any violations will result in the disqualification of the map in qeustion or the user in question at the decision of the contest's creator, Sierra10433. Small violations, such as a contestant listing themselves as a review will only result in the map having to be re-submitted. Contestants are allowed to defend their map, as well as describe it in any way they wish upon submission. Maps may be submitted in more than one category. Section 3: Categories Any category that is listed as "Current" is open at 9/5 and will begin accepting submissions at that date. Categories listed as "to Come" will not start at 9/5, and will only start if users in this Discussion Thread are able to earn the support of at least 5 users in that category. If the support is brought, then the category will be moved to the Current Categories and begin accepting submissions as soon as possible. Please note that all Categories are subject to change. Categories will not be removed after 9/12, and will not be added after 9/24. Good luck to everyone, updates will come regularly on the contest. Current submissions: 0.
Whats the prize? Also, I have two maps that I would like to submit, but one of them is already posted, can I submit it too?
As stated above, may completed maps be submitted? May one map be submitted to more than one category? I also suggest that you... Separate symmetrical CTF/Assault from asymmetrical CTF/Assault in Big Team Include 2x6 multiteam. Do something to make this slightly official.
So pretty much just submit any kind of map you want? And will you be having each individual category judged separately?
It sounds complicated. And I sure wouldn't want to judge the million+ maps submitted. Not saying this is a bad idea or anything, just that you may want to narrow it down to more specific things or A specific thing. Its just to broad a spectrum.
Please note that the contest is still in a sort of Beta phase. That's why I'm not opening submissions until the 5th, that way I have some time to figure out if I need to eliminate some categories, change some, group together, change rules, pretty much make any changes, I still have two days for that. If you have any ideas on how I should nail it down, please let me know. I really do doubt that more than a million maps will be submitted. It is still User-created and User-run, with nothing official. As far as prizes, there currently are none. I am sorry, but I just cannot supply them at the time. If anyone wants to donate a prize then that will surely be accepted. If this contest has enough popularity, I can approach FH admins about making it somewhat official so a prize can be offered for it. As far as completed and posted maps, they are absolutely allowed. Once again, categories will be narrowed down until one week after submissions begin, categories will be added until one week before the submissions close, and all categories are judged seperately. If categories are narrowed down to 5 or less, then the top 2 maps in each category will be shown as First and Second. If there is more, then only 1 map will be posted, and shown as first place. Any more questions just post them here and I'll be happy to answer them.
Hopefully people don't get worn down on these types of things too quickly, especially with so many people wanting to start their own contest now. I think they are fun and worth having around, so long as they don't flood the forums. Not saying they have, but if they did, it would sour people's taste for these sort of things. To me this seems like the Review Hub turned into a contest since people can submit maps they've already posted and to all these different categories. I almost think it would be better to simply make this into a compilation sort of thing, like Flying Shoe ILR has done with Invasion maps. Rather than it be a contest where prizes are needed, you could play these maps, choose the best ones from each category, and add them to the list. This way, people can find good maps that aren't already available in the RH or FHF/Feature list.
I think this is more of what you should be going for, except for Reach obviously. Right know, this idea as a contest is just too broad IMO, and Reach could really benefit from having a "Best of Forge" for itself, complete with polls and pictures as demonstrated in the link pyro provided. I'd be willing to help out with something like that.
Being fairly new to FH, I don't really know what this "Best of Forge" is, other than just what I can see from the link. It seems like maps are taken from forums, submissions, etc, and compiled into polls that winners are chosen from. Correct me if I'm wrong about that though. I am definitely interested in changing this up a bit, as I hadn't noticed how many contests were started since Frozenlynx's 5,000 budget.