Linky Me and a mate messing around on avalanche? This is the result =] I'm the loner to the right, go me! Hope I did everything right *fingers crossed*
Thanks for the replies! In answer to killing people in it, I could give it a go, but explosions/gunfire sometimes cause whole areas/players to disappear because of the brightness. I'll work on it though.
make in black and white ( not pen and ink or nova) Ittl make the backround solid white and in my opinion look cooler, But any ways i like it. 4/5
I could try, but I don't think it would stand out as much. I have a picture similar with me throwing a plasma, and the colours really stand out more than say, a grey scale would.
Thanks, I just love how the flamethrower looks. So wish you used support weapons in first person, or at least had the choice to, but whatevs =] Thanks for all the comments guys
i bet it would be better if it was black and white, and a tip on explosions, use the filters to kind of dull the brightness, it helps a lot. I have seen this a lot with an all white background, nothing special though i haven't seen a partner shot in a while.
This looks good, but the rockets covering your face and i dont care for the flamethrower, i suggest the same picture with new weapons
The picture is really cool with the light background. I like the how the armor colors stand out and the weapon choice was awesome.
We had no idea we would take a photo like this, so my friend had rockets, which, okay cover his face, but he couldn't exactly pose, and I care for the flamethrower. I love it =] Ooh, and this was the second result, which I think defines the character more: ----------- Cut Out ----------- Back soon, off to get my college results (A levels here in England)