How to become a respectable member Okay, so it isn't urgent. Recently, I've seen an influx of... how should I put it? Stupidity amongst the forums. Not just stupidity, but many other forms of simply inexcusable behavior. I'm not sure if it's just ignorance (which is forgivable) or a constant want to act out like an idiot. Either way, in this post, I'm going to give an outline on how to get people to treat you like an adult, treat you with respect, etc. Trust me; these tips will work. Live and die by them. Posting guidelines Here's a few basic rules that you should always follow when posting anywhere. Use proper grammar This is a big one, and I can NOT stress this one enough. This is a staple to becoming a respectable person in my head. If you're not sure how to use proper grammar, click here. Search is your friend Before posting a topic or question, use the search function to check if a question of the same kind hasn't already been posted or answered. Know what you're talking about Google is your friend. Knowledge is power. Learn about the topic before you begin discussing it to avoid looking like a fool. Get the right forum Make sure before posting that your thread is in the right section. If you're not sure, use the process of elimination to decide for yourself. Signatures Make sure your signature doesn't stretch the screen (both vertically and horizontally) keep it as tight as you can. Nothing is more annoying than a screen-stretching signature. Review guidelines Posting a review for a map? Read this beforehand.