Well before i get some opinions on this from you guys, let me just fill you in on the scenario, so you can work out whether it's worth it or not. I have about 5000 songs, so if i am getting one it will be the 16gig. I want to primarily use it for MSN, Skype and other internet software in my house. Do these programs work? Other applications don't really interest me. Is the iPhone really worth the extra load i would have to pay for a pay as you go, or is it just a rip-off unless i go contract? Quick answers would be greatly appreciated.
yes. i have one and it is great. The song/video quality is incredible, the battery life is fairly long and the safari is freakin awesome for when you need to get on FH but your not near a computer. Basically it is worth the money.
MSN is most likely included in the IM programs downloadable in the app store, but Skype, as far as I know, is not. The iPhone has constant connection to the internet, but is very costly. Almost any public place has wifi today, so the iTouch is just short of full connectivity. If you want to spend the extra $200 or so for the iPhone, be my guest, but the iTouch is very reliable. I luvvit.
you can get msn, and skype though fring for the iphone, and itouch. Go ahead and get the itouch if you dont wanna pay the bill, theyere worth it, i personaly have the iphone, and i like having internet everywhere i get signal, but the itouch is limited to your wifi connection.
A jail break for the 2G was released the other day. Get it! Imlove mine. Skype and MSN can be used in several apps
I would get it if you have the money, but if its all you got i say wait. There are always new phones and music players coming out, especially with iPods.
I got an ipod touch but got the 32G one because of all the content i have. It's really great, the wifi capabilities are great and the addition of literally any application makes it totally worth it.
do want to listen to music only or do you want the games and apps and if so are they worth 300+ dollars (dont know what they cost in England)
Matty: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/off-topic/55315-jailbroken-ipod-touch-iphone.html jailbreaking is why you should get one.
I have both, the speaker in the new touch is crap IMO. And I love having internet everywhere I go with my iPhone, but the $91 a month kinda sucks... But if you have a decent part time job you can easily pay for it. And you either get respect or glares when you pull it out. BTW, IT'S A ****ING iPod touch NOT A ****ING iTouch!
Personally, I wouldn't get one. I'd rather have an iPod classic for £40 less. it's up yo you though...
Oh my god get it. Best thing I have ever bought for myself. Better than my Xbox, even. Even if you don't jailbreak it. Wi-Fi is a must though, so if you don't have Wi-Fi, it won't be nearly as good.
get the apps on itunes and only jailbreak it after the warrenty is over and make sure you know exactly how to do and just search them on itunes and safari is endless and what GB
Alright, let's do this Marines: Google Cooliris Google Earth USA Today TWC Fring (Includes MSN Skype AIM, etc) Urbanspoon (not sure if its supported in the UK) Conversions (a2z Pro) Pandora iNXES 1Password Mafia R/R Tap Tap Revenge Topple All those Apps are also free buddy, enjoy. There are some other browsers, but they aren't as good, and there aren't that many yet. Opera was going to make one for the iPod/iPhone, but they realized they can't because Apple doesn't allow for competition in the App Store. (That competes directly with them). Have fun, guy.
Dont get to much. Just get like msn, skpe/aim and whatever. Dont spend all ur money in one place lol.