Thank You, It's good to hear one's work is appreciated. # of downloads (includes previous versions) Warehouse: 149+ Citadel: 135+ Shanty Town: 70+
Wiggum, your post on this page is nearly identical to your post on the previous page. If you are going to ask for more interlocking, specify where or stuff it! I am REALLY sick and tired of "Needes more interlocking, you know where" posts, I've given up counting how many of them I've gotten, let alone seen. Chavet, Warehouse and Citadel are setup for Every gametype. Shanty Town is set up for Slayer 3v3, 2v2v2, FFA, CTF, and Assault. It can support 4v4 and 2v2v2v2, but with 8 players it just seems crowded. Citadel can comfortably support 8 players, but its absolut maximum would be 12. It tends to work best with TS and 1 flag/1bomb. Warehouse works really well with every gametype, and can comfortably house 6 player FFA matches. Warehouse : 164 DL's! Citadel : 155 DL's Shanty Town : 80 DL's
all these maps look fun and intresting but iam not sure about shanty town it does not look appeling to me
Yeah, I'm not too fond of Shanty town myself, and I made it. What perplexes me is that it seems to be my friends' favorite out of all of my maps. I have a new map underway, Codenamed Fortress which will combine the interlocking of Shanty Town, the aesthetic grandeur of Citadel, and the playstyles of Shanty Town and Warehouse. So far, this map has the smoothest floors, walkways and catwalks of any map I've played or made.
some places are really creative and nicely done but some place well not all the maps look pretty fun and im sure ill b playing them
Driscoll: It is REALLY hard to get what you are trying to say without punctuation. HumBoys: Here we go again, ANOTHER interlocking discussion, there is PLENTY of interlocking on these maps, but only where it didn't negatively affect gameplay (or in Shanty Town's case Aesthetics). While the levels of interlocking may not be immediately apparent from the screenshots (look a Litle harder and you should see plenty), a little time spent on the maps will show that: A) Very little is needed. B) There is still plenty of it anyways. C) Interlocking is not a mandatory or otherwise necesarry element of a good map. Take Lintendo's "Great Wall", no noticeable interlocking and it made Bungie Faves.
Why thank you, I'v actually come a long way in my forging skills since I made these, Just check out Stalwart and you'll see what I mean.