Urban Warfare: Foundry map pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LieutenantAshler, May 15, 2008.


Which map is the best out of this map pack?

  1. Warehouse

    4 vote(s)
  2. Citadel

    5 vote(s)
  3. Shanty Town

    7 vote(s)
  4. All great

    8 vote(s)
  5. All horrible

    8 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Many of you will have already seen these maps, but I need to free Up space on my signature so I'm putting them into a map pack.
    All three of the maps Warehouse, Citadel and Shanty Town Work well with Slayer and CTF, and Citadel and Warehouse are both set up to work with all gametypes.

    Few civilian businesses survived the war. Now machine shops hold the majority of the workforce. 2-8 players
    I've finally finished Warehouse, formerly codenamed "Killswitch", and I think it turned out better than I'd hoped. It definitely buries Citadel (my citadel, not Shock's).
    Warehouse is a symmetrical map designed to play like any of the default maps shipped by Bungie. The map truly shines with Slayer and CTF, but you can play any game on it that tickles your fancy.
    I finally managed to interlock those blasted roofs using the stacking method for floating objects. I was unable to interlock part of the Central Tower so I changed it a little, see screen below. The final build is now in my fileshare. Versions one and two had 79 downloads. Enjoy and comment!
    Each base is identical
    and sports two battle rifles and a regenerator inside, a sniper and bubble shield on the bottom 'floor', a turret and carbine on the roof, and a pair of stickys and a plasma pistol on the entry platform. I used both interlocking and floating objects in the construction of the bases, and the floors match up perfectly.
    The central hub, or tower
    serves to house the Shotgun in symmetrical games and the sword in asymmetrical variants. The top of the tower boasts the map's Spartan Laser and firebomb grenades.
    A fence prevents would-be flag thieves from crossing the intervening stretch between courtyards and forces them to either jump, pass through one of the side tunnels, or charge straight through the central hub. Taking the catwalks is also an option, although riskier.

    Right to left, Tower, Courtyard, Base

    Despite the ground-based layout, Jumping features prominently on this map.

    Fights for control of the central tower tend to lean on the side of intense.

    A view of one of the courtyards.

    1x Shotgun: 150s symm
    1x Sword: 150s asym
    1x Spartan Laser: 120s symm
    1x Fuel Rod Gun: 150s asym
    2x Sniper Rifle: 180s
    2x Plasma Pistol: 60s
    2x Mauler: 60s
    2x Needler: 120s
    2x Brute Shot: 45s
    4x SMG: 10s
    4x Plasma Rifle: 10s
    4x Carbine: 20s
    8x Battle Rifle: 20s (To those complaining about a lack of weapons, if 8 BRs ain't enough, too bad!)

    2x Power Drain: 150s
    2x Regenerator: 120s
    2x Bubble Shields: 120s

    2x Frag
    2x Firebomb
    4x Spike
    8x Plasma

    Download Warehouse
    Champion Slayer (infinite kills, Time limit) tends to work very well on this map.

    EDIT: I think that I should mention that this is my first Serious attempt at a map. Thank you to those who have commented and especially those who have made intelligent comments about interlocking. I tried to explain why I didn't interlock much in the most gracious way I could, but it's hard to be nice when 90% of the comments are "needs more interlocking." I know HOW, I CHOSE not to.

    Map Description
    Defenders start off in a fortified structure known as the Citadel, which occupies roughly 2.75 / 7ths of the map. Attackers start in each of the default bases and must battle their way up to the top floor in order to obtain the flag / Plant the bomb etc. A series of catacombs beneath the Citadel and multi-floored layout allows for Long and close range combat. Nearly any style of play can be effective, multiple pathways into each area make camping difficult, though possible. Multiple play-tests and tweaks have made for a map that plays well and still supports frenetic action. Also: Fixed hole in floor during asymmetrical games.

    Weapons and equipment on map:
    1 Machine gun turret (asymmetric spawn only) - 180s
    1 Spartan Laser - 120s
    1 Energy Sword (difficult to reach) - 150s
    1 Trip Mine - 90s
    1 Grav Lift - 60s
    1 Active Man Cannon
    1 Power Drain - 90s
    2 Maulers - 60s
    2 Shotguns - 150s
    2 Needlers - 120s
    2 Sniper Rifles - 180s
    2 Brute Shots - 45s
    2 Regenerators - 60/90s
    2 Magnums - 20s
    2 SMGs - 10s
    2 Deployable Cover Units - 30s
    2 Bubble Shields - 90s
    2 Plasma Pistols - 45s
    2 Firebomb Grenades - 60s
    4 Plasma Rifles - 30s
    4 Carbines - 20s
    4 Spikers - 30s
    4 Battle Rifles - 20s
    6 Plasma Grenades - 10s
    8 Fragmentation Grenades - 10s

    [​IMG] A view of the Citadel from the front.

    3rd floor
    [​IMG] Keeping opponents off of the structure entirely is easier than defending the third floor.

    central Tower
    [​IMG] A View of the central tower from the second floor.

    [​IMG] A side view of the Citadel

    [​IMG] Getting a Shotgun means crossing a lot of open terrain.

    * This map is not related to, inspired by or otherwise derived from Shock Theta’s Citadel, or Mass Effect

    Download Citadel v3.5
    Version 3.5 is now available in my fileshare. I flipped the boxes to allow a perfectly flat floor. There are still some small visible gaps, but these have not affected gameplay in any way. Also, moved Sniper Rifles to BR Bunkers, The map now has only 1 PowerDrain unit behind Spartan Laser. Firebomb spawn every 60 seconds

    Shanty Town
    An Impoverished community testifies to the current resource shortage. 2-6 players
    After more than two weeks of slow, tedious construction, I give you Shanty Town, formerly codenamed Helix. Shanty Town was inspired by the level "Quarterback" from G.R.A.W.

    The map
    is themed as a Tar-paper shack, cardboard home community. As such some of the buildings are heavily damaged, and none of them are in perfect repair. The roof of Regen building is collapsed
    to form a ramp up to the top, and part of Defense base's roof is sagging,
    allowing a jump to the top of the building.
    Two open double boxes are set up as ramps to the second floor of offense's building,
    and a rocket launcher is housed next to mauler tunnel.
    Defense base
    boasts a warthog which serves more as a movable turret than a transport. Equipment and weapons on the map are geared to fast paced action and intense rounds of CTF.

    1 Sniper Rifle
    2 Shotguns
    1 Brute Shot
    6 Battle Rifles
    1 Assault Rifle
    1 Rocket Launcher
    2 SMGs
    2 Plasma Rifles
    1 Plasma Pistol
    1 Carbine
    1 Mauler
    1 Magnum

    1 Regenerator
    1 Bubble Shield
    1 TripMine
    1 Gravity Lift
    1 Power Drain

    Plasma x4
    Frag x6

    Yes, I Can Interlock.

    Shotty Shack

    Tripmine Shack

    Regen Building

    Download Shanty Town
    #1 LieutenantAshler, May 15, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  2. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
    Senior Member

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    More interlocking would be perfect for these types of maps. Otherwise, Citadel looks really good! :)
  3. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    I don't know if re-posting maps is within the rules, but for now I'll assume they are.

    Nice maps! I like the interlocking in most parts, but in every map there seems to be one or two empty spots
  4. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    I sure as heck hope it's within the rules. I assumed that it should be Okay since I've seen quite a few posts, with links titled, Original FH thread and such.
    As to the open areas I try to incorporate multiple playstyles into each of my maps. The open areas are there for long range combat and such. If you can think of something better to do with those areas, don't hesitate to let me know.
    #4 LieutenantAshler, May 15, 2008
    Last edited: May 15, 2008
  5. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool i like the map pack the one i like is warehouse
  6. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Pretty nice map and an excellent presentation.

    Keep up the good work!
  7. a-groeper

    a-groeper Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's good to see that you've grouped together all your maps. I've already seen one or two of them before. Shantytown is by far the best of these maps, but I'd download all of them if I had the space. I love urban warefare, and I'm a fan of the Halo 2 map "Turf".
  8. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Thank you. To be honest, my personal favorite is Warehouse. It's probably the one I spent the most time on and lavished the most care on. Citadel was my baby at first, but Warehouse has long replaced it. What I don't get is why people like Shanty Town so much. The map's theme came from G.R.A.W., not it's layout, not its gameplay, nothing, just the aura. I personally hate it, and I'm the one who made it! I guess that it just never grew on me like Warehouse did.
    #8 LieutenantAshler, May 15, 2008
    Last edited: May 15, 2008
  9. The SEEJ

    The SEEJ Ancient
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    i really like the aesthetic qualities of shanty town, but ill try them all out good job!
    LieutenantAshler likes this.
  10. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Pointe Du Hoc is now live!
    #10 LieutenantAshler, May 15, 2008
    Last edited: May 16, 2008
  11. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    looks good all except one thing, MORE INTERLOCKING PLZ!!! i know u can interlock, just do it a little more. other than that, these maps look great
  12. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    X( Where? I'm really weary of ppl telling me to interlock without telling me where!
    #12 LieutenantAshler, May 15, 2008
    Last edited: May 17, 2008
  13. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    I dont know if you are allowed to post more than one map at a time in one thread(you probobly are allowed) but as for the maps you need to interlock the ceilings into the wall. There are big gaps that make it look very sloppy
  14. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    If you are referring to Shanty Town, the map is supposed to be sloppy, I just can't bring myself to make it any worse. As to posting multiple maps, I've seen plenty of "Map packs". Haven't seen any of them getting any rap for it.
    #14 LieutenantAshler, May 15, 2008
    Last edited: May 16, 2008

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for making all these
    they look nice
  16. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    My pleasure. I LOVE creating things; building, writing stories, carving, forging, it's my passion. Comments that help me improve are even better, but it's nice to hear one's work is appreciated.
  17. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    I like all of the maps but they could all be a lot neater. in your first pic of shanty town you need to make those walls one level down with thestairs so you dont have to jump at the top of the stairs to get on the roof.
  18. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Shanty Town was supposed to be sloppy, It is a poor, degenerate community.
    #18 LieutenantAshler, May 16, 2008
    Last edited: May 16, 2008
  19. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    this does have a pretty good presentation, and the name "urban warfare: foundry map pack" does seem appropriate, but like others have said, i'm not quite sure if it's within the rules to repost maps, oh well, i hope it isn't these maps are pretty well thought out, just not entirely well-executed, which doesn't really seem to matter, i would have to play test to tell if the non-interlocking matters or not, but if it doesn't effect gameplay, then good job man, keep up the good work
  20. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Trust me It doesn't affect Gameplay, I'v tested them enough to know that.

    I've unearthed some maps on my hardrive form before the DLC maps were released, expect to see them soon.

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