
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Elite Warrior5, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    A 4v4 located in the canyon with two main buildings and lots of natural terrain. Still needs testing. This is my first environment map so I was trying to get a good amout of cover in the center.


    #1 Elite Warrior5, Jun 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2012
  2. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    I can't tell enough by your potato can pics ;) but it looks like it may be a little to open. I can't be sure though.

    When I manage to get my Xbox internet to work I can test it.
  3. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    Had to use a phone camera. For some reason only two pics would upload. Oh well, I'll fix it tomorrow.
  4. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    To be completely honest (from what I can actually see), the map doesn't really seem complete enough to pass any sort of judgement. I mean it's a nice start but at this point the only thing one could go off of is layout and there's no way of properly viewing that from these shots. Oh... and umm... nice... rocks?
  5. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    I will do a walk around for you today once I log on, if it is on your fileshare currently. Just seems from the pictures that the buildings need more design to them, they seem somewhat bare so for. But I do like that your working on a natural terrain map as they are pretty rough to build in general especially if its your first attempt at using natural terrain. Is this map meant to be symmetrical or asymmetric?
  6. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    No symmetricallity whatsoever. Sadly I won't be able to get on until June 16th, but I have and will keep improving the design.

    I have a sniper at 180s and 1 extra clip near the ledge with hemmorhages concussion rifle. I hope that it is balanced because red is cramped but gets to sniper and turret first while blue gets shotty and gl.

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