
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Resix, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. Resix

    Resix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is one of the maps I had in my previous thread that I posted, and this is what I have finished at the moment, which is pretty much everything. Don't worry about there not being any weapons on the map, I have a custom gametype for this which resembles that of the original Star Wars Battlefront. Meaning that this map is made for territories, with some awesome loadouts.

    As you can see, this is a overview shot from red base showing all of the platforms as well as the "cloning facility."

    Mid territory far, and mid territory close.
    These are 2 of the territories that you will be fighting for both in the middle of the map. Mid territory far is the one furthest away from the cloning facility. Mid territory close is the one closest. (Thanks captain obvious)

    Red territory and Blue territory.
    These 2 territories are situated closest to each corresponding side, giving each side at least one territory to start off with. Each side named accordingly.

    Cloning facility territory.
    A view from the far corner of the cloning facility territory. It shows all three entrances, blue hall, red hall and split purple.

    Cloning facility halls.
    Each hall has struts lining the wall for aesthetics as well as to notify you which side of the map you are on. The struts colors are either blue and neutral, or red and neutral.

    Also, each hall has cloning chambers, again corresponding with each teams colors. Purely for aesthetic purposes.

    Now, this map is almost finished but I just need to test it but don't want to have it done by the testers guild. (No offence, I would rather conduct it myself so I can get peoples opinions right then and there.) So, if you would like to help me test this map out then please add me on xbox live. My gamertag is:
    B Resix

    Thanks guys! :D
    #1 Resix, Feb 10, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  2. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Some of those sightlines look mad long and the map feels "segmented". The aesthetics and overall forging are clean though. If your still testing send me an invite, as I'd like to see how territories would play.

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