-------- UpHeaval. ----Made For T8 team of NoX-ArK clan (www.nox-ark.fr) This is a BTB map for CTF, TS, BOMB, Territories by IISharpFoxII and the great help of DANJESS99 The map concept is a war under an highway destructed by an earthquake. The map is almost finish, we need to test it before releashe. here some screenshots; What do you think about it?
Very nice, good symmetry. Only question, the bridge can be jumped by vehicles right? and are there vehicles. It seems like warthogs would work very nicely on this map. This is the best bridge map since Tsavo Highway in my mind. When your testing hit me up GT: Captnstfu
It looks great, but I unfortunately can't test it out, my XBL is out. I have a few questions - is it completely symmetrical, down the middle line? Does it have enough cover to traverse the map without troubles? Can the bridge be acessed?
I want to say i was inspired by Blood gulch and the center bridge looks like on my Map preview so its added , i think 2 warthog by base could be cool but SHarp doesnt want . The Outpost with grass and with a wood bridge are maded by me , The weapons and spawn too and the teleport are my idea too !
Maybe we can see if they are necessary in the tests. I'll test but what day would you have it? GT: JerZ Phenom
Thank you. -Yes, the map is perfectly symetrical. -Yes, the map have a good balance of cover. -Yes, the middle (; broke part on the floor) can be acessed by vehicules -No, the big bridge cant be acessed. The first test game is thursday. Welcome to everyone
Aww big bridge isn't accessible. =( oh well it adds a very smexy aesthetic touch to the map. the more i look at this it reminds me of Underpass from COD MW2
What time tomorrow because I can only be there before 5 or after 7. I would like to see this map before it is released to give you some suggestions and MORE.
No school today! So i gonna test the map all the day. For the bridge, i thinked a long time for that is better to access it or not, I concluded that if the bridge is accessible the gameplay gonna be disbalanced.
Well done on a neat symmetrical map but I aren't keen on the design of the center piece. Some of the interlocking looks sloppy as well.