This forum made by Ryaaan14 Original post here :Link to original forum ________________________________________________ I just wanted to thank you guys for making this thread such a huge success. I never expected this to go over so well, it was basically created so I could manifest my Halo 3 armor fantasies (lol). I'll continue to make one per day (or more if I'm feeling frisky) based on the ideas I had prior to making this, assuming this stays alive and keeps your interest. You're welcome to make requests, though I may not make most of them. This wasn't really created to do requested armor, though I appreciate it :_) And btw, for those who don't know, these are all Photoshopped by me, not modded, or unlockable by any means. (though it WOULD be cool...) Feel free to PM me with any questions. Thanks again! Hold B to Force Choke Release Left Thumbstick to hit head on blast door Hit A to leap into Sarlacc Pit Active Camo: Enabled Hold RB to dual-wield Whoppers Tap D-Pad to say thx to Frankie Hold down both thumbsticks to unjam the radar Hold A to activate thrusters Speak into headset to tell teammates who you are Hold X to acquire symbiote Hit RT to destroy ED-209 *NEW* Hold RB to enter Batmobile
wow these are cool. I'd rather have that Boba Fett one than Recon. You said you are up for requests so... I don't know, an obvious one would be Samus Aran.
Dude! The Stormtrooper one is my favorite! It looks so cool, I really wish I had Stormtrooper armor...