Classified Designed/Created by Sethiroth Hey ForgeHub i am new to these forums, But i do alot of forging with MLG forums. And i am making a new map that i am shareing with everyone INFO: Hey guys i know alot of you have been wondering what has happened to this map and here is the update. The map went over a big overhaul and was redesigned from the ground up. This map is now the Spiritual Successor to Midship. Now when i say "successor" i mean it. I took the map Midship sketched it up and tried to figure out how can i honestly make this map better and play for Halo 3. And now i present you the newest Sketch-up of Classified and not only that there is progress pics to match each Sketch picture.This map features many geos, thats right everything that touches a wall is geo'ed and all the ramps are geo'ed down into the ground. Alright enough of the chit chat lets look at some Pictures OverView As you can see the map has a big change. Also you can see that already i am about 50% done with the map Pink This is the new and update Pink tower. As you can see there is a Pink 1,2 and 3. The only way to get to Pink 3 is to slide jump up the wall on Pink 2. About 85% done with Carbine Carbine is the only part that remained close to the same with a few changes. This part of the map was just started. Base Last picture. This is the base which agine stayed close to the original but i redid the bottom base and made a new way to go from bottom to top. Thanks for the support i would have not done this map if it wasn't for you guys that pushed me to make it. The release date is when the Mythic Map pack hits the Market Place.
Reserve If you want to playtest this map send a Friend Request to AMT List 1. This is my privite playtesting gamertag. The map should be finished this week
This is in the wrong section, only completed maps may be in the Halo Forge Maps Section. This belongs in Halo Forge Discussion (don't worry, I moved it for you). That aside, this is looking very slick, should be an interesting map to look out for. Is this meant to be for MLG?
sorry about that thanks for moving it.Like i said i am new. I am glad to see you guys liking it so far. The map is ment for everyone but the weapon set will be more MLG style
Looks great so far, I'm glad to see such great results from the Crypt already. Your first set of Sketch-up components made the Crypt seem larger than it actually was, but I'm glad I've seen this so I know my Sketch-up is possible. I'll send the gamertag a friend request to get in for some testing. Welcome to Forgehub by the way.
Looks like it will be a pretty cool map.. although I do notice there will be tons of interlocked objects. I hope it doesn't cause flickering, because as we all know flickering is ugly.
Indeed. But flickering mostly occurs when you inter lock objects side by side. Such as trying to make a long wall, but instead of just setting the walls next to each other, you interlock them and cause flickering.
even though i dont post here you can check my sig out for maps i have done before. I am a vary good forger and those maps are old. The flicker glitch is called Z GLITCHING and yes its annoying but easy to avoid
This looks amazing,but thats a lot of objects,did you check if you have enough budget? If you do an you pull of this map it will be amazing.
You kidding? Sandbox has a big enough budget that I'm working on a map in the sky bubble that works with warthogs. Building in the crypt would be next to impossible to run out of budget, especially on a 2-3 story MLG map like this one. And to Seth, if you need testers and can't fill enough parties from, hit us up at the tester's guild linked in my sig.
there is tons of budget. So dont worrie Thanks for the comments everyone Bump Also i might try your testers out sounds kinda cool
My GT is oX Arson Xo, i sent the playtesting GT a request but i sometimes play on other games (Cod4/5, Halo wars etc) even if im not on halo dont hesitate to send me an invite id be there within the minute jus to play this =]
Happy Face! i get to see your sketch. It looks Amazing dude. Im real happy for you dude. cant wait to see the real thing! =]
Your dedication to this is mind blowing. I have trouble making stuff on Foundry Designer, but sketch up would kill me. Looks very midship like, just a bit blockier but still looks nice. The first picture really does give me a great image of the map, and your doing awesomely well to stick to that in your actual pictures. Hopefully when Mythic hits the MLG playlist, we will see this in there!