The reason I made this post is because I am stoked about the map I am building on. It's called Novaline(I changed the name), and is my best map so far ever being built. I got the name from a blank 650MB CD-R cover. I thought it sounded cool. Anyway, you must bee thinking "why the heck did he post a thread for a map that hasn't been built yet?!?" Well, cuz I got some pics, and I got sooo stoked about the upcoming map. Now your probably thinking "WTF what pics?!?"(maby not, cuz you've already seen them). So, here are the two pics: Ground level Second level *Note: The boxes at the walls of foundry are interlocked and merged, so are the double-walls. Also note that the lone corner walls will be turned into cover or mini-pyramids. I am finished with the map. The blue, red and green bases look a little different, but otherwise the map looks the same. In asymmetric games, the red base will have a turret. The only thing that remains is to test it. Now please, tell me, are you also stoked (oO,)?
It doesn't matter how stoked you are. You should know the rules by now so why did you post an incomplete map? You know this forum is for maps only, not concepts for fututre ones or ideas. This should be moved to forge discussion. This is just dissapointing.
These forums are only for finished maps. I have moved this to forge discussion, let this be a discussion of your idea. Please re-post your map when you have finished in the competative maps section.
While I agree that your map does look to be very good, the fact that you posted a 'map-preview' advertisement is kinda a turnoff for me.