What games are you looking forward to? My list: 1- GTA IV 2- Army of Two 3- GoW 2 (still if-ish because trailer I saw for it wasn't too great) 4 -Gow Maps (newer ones comming soon, they r teh pwnage)
I'm sorry but No more Heroes is GARBAGE. I don't really know any good games coming out. Except Turok.
Ohh I forgot about Fable 2. Tofu, I bet your one of those mainstream gamers that don't give indie developers a second look. I love Suda 51's games, he's so original in his tastes
Super Smash Bros: Brawl - Wii - 2/10 Splinter Cell: Conviction - 360 Legendary: The Box - 360 Fable 2 - 360 Saboteur - 360 Borderlands - 360 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Wii thats my to buy list so far
my f*ckin awesome games list: Too Human Alan Wake Dark Sector Lost Odyssey KOF:Circle of Doom Halo Wars Ninja Gaiden 2 Fallout 3 DMC 4 Splinter Cell Conviction Turok Fable 2 Star Wars FU (hehe) Starcraft 2 Super Smash Bros Brawl Soul Caliber IV -these are games i do not own because they have not come out yet.. -games i do not own but have come out are: Assassins Creed Guitar Hero III Rock Band Timeshift Scene It? Blacksite Area 51 Crysis Hellgate London
GTA IV Halo Wars Smash Bros Brawl Mario Kart Wii those are the priority on the current budget ..... stupid expensive bills ....