List of unusual deaths 30 of the strangest deaths I have no idea of what section this thread should reside in. What are your thoughts on these unusual deaths?
"Chinese poet Li Po (701-706) is regarded as one of the two greatest poets in China’s literary history. He was well known for his love of liquor and often spouted his greatest poems while drunk. One night, Li Po fell from his boat and drowned in the Yangtze River while trying to embrace the reflection of the moon in the water." This is why we don't respect people of the past.
"Mariesa Weber was reported missing by her family for nearly two weeks before they found her in her bedroom, wedged behind a bookcase." So they live with her, and they hadn't noticed that she was wedged behind a bookcase?
Her body was crushed partly into the wall. All I wonder is how in the hell did she die behind a bookcase? I believe it could have been murder...
Thats exactly what it was. "In 1991, a 57-year-old Thai woman Yooket Paen was walking in her farm when she accidentally slipped on a cow dung, grabbed a naked live wire and got electrocuted to death. Soon after Paen’s funeral, her 52-year-old-sister Yooket Pan was showing her neighbors how the accident happened when she herself slipped, grabbed the same live wire and also got electrocuted to death!" You can tell they were related.
Ted Barrow (An american 32 Year old) dropped out of his 15 story apartment while praticing his Thai Chi. His brother was with him at the time.
1979: Robert Williams, a worker at a Ford Motor Co. plant, was the first known human to be killed by a robot,[92] after the arm of a one-ton factory robot hit him in the head. This guy ftw.
"272 BC: Pyrrhus of Epirus, the conqueror and source of the term pyrrhic victory, according to Plutarch died while fighting an urban battle in Argos when an old woman threw a roof tile at him, stunning him and allowing an Argive soldier to kill him." Urban battle in Argos? Do they even sell roof tiles? "2003: Dr. Hitoshi Nikaidoh, a surgical doctor, was decapitated as he stepped on to an elevator at Christus St. Joseph Hospital in Houston,Texas on August 16, 2003. According to a witness inside the elevator, the elevator doors closed as Nikaidoh entered, trapping his head inside the elevator with the remainder of his body still outside. His body was later found at the bottom of the elevator shaft while the upper portion of his head, severed just above the lower jaw, was found in the elevator. A subsequent investigation revealed that improper electrical wiring installed by a maintenance company several days earlier had effectively bypassed all of the safeguards." Final Destination 2?
The morals of most of these stories are: 1. Don't get drunk and be near anything stupid. 2. Don't look up to your relatives. Especially the stupid ones. 3. Recreation of anything is stupid.
2005: Kenneth Pinyan ('Mr. Hands') of Gig Harbor, Washington died of acute peritonitis after seeking out and receiving anal intercourse from a stallion, an act he had engaged in previously. Pinyan delayed his visit to the hospital for several hours out of reluctance to explain the circumstances of his injury to doctors. The case led to the criminalization of bestiality in Washington.[133] His story was recounted in the award winning 2007 documentary film Zoo. My personal favorite Hahahahaha, if I had anal with a horse I wouldn't want to explain to the doctors what happened.
"2008: Abigail Taylor, age 6, died nine months after several of her internal organs were partially sucked out of her lower body while she sat on an excessively powerful swimming pool drain." . wat
in one of those links you posted, there was a link to this: YouTube - Franz Reichelt - Eiffel Tower thought id point it out. Guy who died from testing his trench coat parachute invention by jumping off the eiffel tower with it.
2001: Bernd-Jürgen Brandes from Germany was voluntarily stabbed repeatedly and then partly eaten by Armin Meiwes (who was later called the Cannibal of Rothenburg). Brandes had answered an internet advertisement by Meiwes looking for someone for this purpose. Brandes explicitly stated in his will that he wished to be killed and eaten.[121] why would u even want someone to eat u after u die? what does he think worms are for?
You got to laugh at some of these.. some guy that survived falling down niagara falls in a barrel, died after slipping on an orange peel and breaking his leg which led to complications and eventually his death... Irony eh?
2009: Martin Cassidy, a 44-year-old stand-up comedian from Blackburn, England, died from asphyxia caused by breathing in large quantities of laughing gas while watching pornography on his laptop computer, according to a coroner. The coroner ruled a case of "Death by misadventure".[151] Lolwut.