Unturfed is a remake of the classic Halo 2 map "Turf" made by Ryanlikeappl3z and CRAZYITALIAN99. Throughout the map, some things are different and additions were made from the original, but it is mostly alike the original. A VIEW OF THE MAIN STREET A VIEW OF THE BUILDINGS ON MAIN STREET A VIEW OF THE WARTHOG, RED SPAWN, AND TRUCKS A VIEW OF THE COURTYARD Thanks for viewing my map and taking the time to see it. I hope eveybody enjoys the map.
Looks fairly accurate, but the framerate seems awful for multiplayer. You might want to make the floors not overlap.
Z-fighting, Z-fighting everywhere. I suggest you go back and fix that. if you don't know how to prevent Z-fighting, go here. The original Turf had many alleyways and ways to get around the map. With this map, you took some of those out and I think that will affect gameplay. For example, the warehouse now only has one entrance. If you can find a way to make some other ways to get around the map that will greeatly improve the gameplay. There were a couple things I liked. The stunt ramps used as the road will look good if you get rid of the Z-fighting. I also liked how you made the roads more wider for vehicles. The medic tent being used as a base is also a good idea. I think you should keep some of the roads wide for vehicles and try to add some other ways to get around that aren't wide enough fro vehicles. Honestly, I don't think you should remake this map as Turf. I think you should make this an original map inspired by Turf. Good luck, I hope my criticism helped.
Okay, thanks for the advise. I realize that there is several flaws, and i would have liked to add the other ways to get around, but ran out of building supplies for the map :/ It was my first remake map, and as I am aware there are better remakes out there probably. If I had had a way to actually view the original and build my remake at the same time, I am sure I could have done a better job.
This is more of a spiritual successor than a remake. There are many differences and liberties you took here. Nice looking map though.
good going for a first map, I think with turf you probably bit off more than you could chew, it's a tuff one, but good to see your doing some remakes, i would suggest you try something small like warlock, desolation or lockout as a first map then work your way up, I, like you jumped in at the deep end by remaking The Pit, it turned out pretty well but it took me 3 months and a LOT of tweaking and swapping until i came up with an acceptable version. I look forward to your version 2.0