Download This is my first Forge map in Reach. Currently set up for Slayer, CTF, and KotH. It's a simple outdoors 2-base layout, but it's very clean and should have no flickering or screen lag. Any comments, criticism or suggestions are appreciated. Overview One of the Bases. I used a smaller, less obtrusive man cannon made from two grav lifts merged together. Gives the distance I needed but Is small enough to be hidden inside that little block for a cleaner look. The Other Base Back of Base The "Garage" A last minute addition. That outside wall was looking pretty boring. Opposite side. Decorative tower, and a small cave. Currently has rocket in it.
I do like the garage added in, and adding in some more playable aesthetic pieces like that would go a log way for you as well. I get tired of seeing maps that are just fenced in by large, monotonous walls--breaking up the monotony like you did with the garage adds a lot to the feel of the map.
Yeah I agree huge plain grey walls are boring. I originally intended to use rocks all the way around but I soon found out there just weren't enough available. The area behind the other base is enclosed by a rock wall, though. Hah I just noticed the picture of the Garage doesn't have the decorative pillar things to the left of it. The other pictures show them. I should fix that. (Edit: fixed)