Teaser: Edit: If anybody who reads this is particularly good at Aesthetic forging and would be interested in helping me finish the map (Full credit would be given) then send me a Private Message and we'll talk about what exactly it is I need forging for me.
First off, it would be nice to see some higher resolution images. Bungie.net provides some pretty big ones for you whenever you take screenshots. Second, I really can't make out a lot of the map. Are there some visual effects going on? OKAY, back to the map. In the second image, you have a LOT of pieces intersecting to make up the central platform. Not only that, but they are all high-cost decorative items. That's a lot of your map being taken up by a fairly simple central piece. Bungie gave an earful about meshing many objects in a small area to make an overly complicated structure. The objects will all render at the same time, causing a massive slowdown whenever a player enters their vicinity. The last image looks like a tunnel? Not sure how that's possible with the coliseum wall there, BUT I won't doubt. It looks like it would be fun. And finally, you're welcome. Feel like trying one of my maps out too? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/112441-sovereignty.html http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/112443-sanctum.html
Don't use black.. I can't make out the writing on default skins I haz scene dis mapzor! It's pretty cool... you figure out what the objective locations and types are yet?
To The images are from Bungie.net and are pretty High Resolution. It's a teaser, map layout shouldn't be figured out. Main piece isn't made up of that many objects, it's simple, but awesome. You ever disrespect it again i kill u. To Steve: You have indeed seen it I like black writing ): Territories, Terrotories, ????
Looks like fun, the layout kinda makes it look like spire. The middle is my favorite part, how you used dishes and a circle of dishes. Love the aesthetics!
Thanks for reviving my dead thread xD It's actually not alot like spire, well.. maybe the first phase is similar to Spire's.
I can help with ur aesthetic forging... oh wait is that why you wanted me to join the other day... It looks good, show me sometime.
No, this is way old. I stopped working on this weeks ago. If you wanted to see why I wanted you to join the other day go look at I screenshot I reccomended on Reach ;D