I was working on a city themed map with a turret. I had Gloomy on and wanted to see what it would look like firing the turret. So, I went into theater, took a look and thought that this was kinda cool, so I snapped a screenshot. I know it's no where near as cool as some of the other screenshots out there, but I just thought I'd share. Oh and I've called this one "untitled". If anyone has suggestions on a name, I'm more than willing to use it. And if I've screwed up on picture size, don't worry, I'll try and correct it right away (just saying that as I'm new to posting pictures in forums).
Pretty good, but there aren't really any unique effects in the screenshot that would make it worth seeing. As for a name, I would go with Aphotic, which is a synonym for dark.
See, I never really go for the whole "unique" lighting thing. I just take pictures of stuff I think is cool.
not really anything in it, just a turret, 1/5, dont try to improve on it, just make another screenshot about something else, maybe screenshots arent your thing
@Orange: Give the guy a chance dude, don't be so rude. I like it, it's nice and simple and looks very gloomy and artistic. I like the glow at the bottom, looks very nice and adds to the effect. 4/5 Try using some effects if you want to try more complex shots, you'd be suprised how easy it is to make some really amazing shots, Well done for getting the size right first go, and also welcome to ForgeHub.
It reminds me of the auto turrets from Aliens. So I would suggest a one liner from that movie for a title.
Sorry, I don't really see anything good in this shot. There was no planning involved and there isn't any "unique lighting" Keep on trying, try finding some guides to effects and you can take some really amazing shots though!