Unsellable ManCannon

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MacGravel 2, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. MacGravel 2

    MacGravel 2 Ancient
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    Ok, so I was forging around on Blackout earlier and I placed down a ManCannon, set the Respawn Rate to 20, and Place At Start to No. I then saved the map hoping to make it spawn 20 seconds into the game, only to have it glitched to where I can't move it, or sell it. Now I have 4 of them sitting around my map, frozen in the spots I stuck them. They also still work, which is a major problem, ruining my hard work that I've put in to this map.

    Any idea on what's going on? Or am I just really stupid?
  2. Doomlord

    Doomlord Ancient
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    Sometimes, an object you set to not spawn at start will spawn when you start a game in Forge and be unmoveable. Try starting a game in Forge, then restarting the round. The cannons should spawn 20 seconds in, and you should be able to move them.
  3. MacGravel 2

    MacGravel 2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I tried that before and they stayed broken, but I just tried it again and it worked.

    Thanks :D

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