A fun war base theme infection map. This map includes: A equipment room, grenage room, UNSC weapon room, Covenant weapon room. Map Here:http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17107224 Gametype Here:http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17107251 Pics: UNSC Garage: Covenant/UNSC Weapon Rooms Grenade Room: Heavy Artillary Weapon Room: Equipment Room: Enjoy!
You gota lose that grenade cache, and all the others. Check out the bungie maps and look at the weapon placement.
weapon caches.. erm.. uh.. no.. just.. just no.. you shoulda put this in test section b4.. so u could get ppls opinion on it and get rid of stuf no one likes like weapon caches