UNSC regency

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Devil trigger, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. Devil trigger

    Devil trigger Forerunner

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    I began this map as a test to see if i was capable of making a UNSC ship some parts were successful, others...well i will let you be the judge of that.Basically it is a smallish UNSC ship complete with bridge, and bunks as well as a false wall which leads to a small armory. I have not created this map for any slayer game types but i am looking into perhaps finding a suitable game type

    Front View
    Side View
    Fighter Ship
    Hallway front
    Bridge 2
    Ladder to tv room/armory
    TV room
    False wall
    Second False wall
    Second Armory
    Beds(under stairs to bridge)

    I know that this is far from perfect, constructive comments are very welcome.Hopefully this will be the first of many maps.
    #1 Devil trigger, Apr 17, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2011
  2. Grenade

    Grenade Forerunner

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    Hmmm. It's not bad for a first attempt, and I love the fighter jet and the aesthetics in the hallway part of the ship, but other parts are sadly lacking. False walls are an interesting concept, but seem somewhat unnecessary and the space they take up probably could have been used for something better. The outside of the ship looks alright, it actually somewhat reminds me of a submarine, and to see a flying submarine just is a little out of place. Not bad by any means though!
  3. Flyingman66

    Flyingman66 Forerunner

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    let me help you

    this map is great for a small ship. you use some interesting concepts. the ladder looks cool and the false walls are weird but they're a good way to protect your secret armory, i also like the look of the rear tailwing things on the ship. i'm sure people will have fun exploring your map. there are a few things a few things though i might suggest, the tv room could use a bit of detail, perhaps add a coffee table (upside down small bridge) and add pillows to the bed (use a small railing to make a pillow it may be metal but it gets the job done) eitherways thats my style, i thourght i'd share it with you so you could use it to improve on your forging
    #3 Flyingman66, Apr 17, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2011

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