I'm not amazing at bigging up my maps, but hopefully I can convey to you how much I like my map. It's fundamentally for aesthetic purposes and from the outside is a pretty good copy of a frigate. What makes this ship good though is that there is also an inside to enjoy. I 'll walk you through it with some screenies Firstly; From the outside. The easiest way in is through the back door (thats what she said :3) Into the vehicle bay In the vehicle bay is also the entrance to the drop pods... And waiting for you at the bottom is a nice aesthetically laid spartan laser and warthog Above the Vehicle bay and Drop pods is the control room, where Keyes and his crew (literally) hang out . And above the control room is the Armoury. Inside the armory are also two teleporters, taking you to the laser defense and the missile defence station. (You can just about make out he rocket hogs turret as the M.D.S) And finally my favourite part is the targeting range where I have created a couple of make-shift covenant ;P Please rate, comment, suggest improvements, and download .
i just feel like mentioning that there is a much more appealing looking, and cost effective drop pod only consisting of a gun and two barricades (Large) that you could have used. i absolutely hate the way the drop pods shown in your pictures work and look. they fail to really give me the same sense of being in a drop pod that the design im talking about does, since it actually resembles the ODST drop pods more. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but not only would it save you money, and the crates, but it would look better for an asthetically pleasing map like this one to have a drop pod that really sold the feel of one. sure, their more finicky, but at the height you have it, and with a little tuning on your part, the pods would just fit better in my opinion. and im sorry for the rant, but i absolutely love ODST related elements, especially the drop pods.
Beautiful. Just one question, are there inner hallways that lead to each room or did you go to walmart and but some teleporters. (was that even funny?) But overall nice details and design. Not sure if i'd of had said Since keyes didn't serve on a frigate. If it was a Halcyon-class Cruise then it would make sense. Not trying to sound bad or anything. Just giving you some backround halo info.
not sure about all of the interior, but the exterior is awesome looking. its frigate shaped, but unique and sleeker than most firgates, very intimidating. personally i would lower the bridge more (as in the large bump in the top, not sure if thats where you put the interior bridge but thats where the bridge is on most halo-frigates so ill refer to it as that), to keep with the streamlined feel. also like the shooting range, very creative. nice work!
Yeah, I know Just saw the opportunity for a little pun . Thanks for the comments guys, I did think about that for the drop pods, but I don't really like them and much prefer the crates, more clean I find, but I'll consider next time for the sake of asthetics if you think they're that much better.
It is a sleek and beautiful ship but the control room ruins the whole effect... Lower it and make it sleek and you have a ship among the greats my sir!