UNSC Unmatched UNSC Not Done I don't have to much to say about this ship. Really I took the old c112 ship, and made it better in every way. It looks better, plays better, and is more worth your download. For me, I feel some what accomplished to have done a map that I am completely happy with (look wise, given the money and object limit). As for the game play in lets say... infection? I am not sure at all. It dose support it though, but thats all it supports. And yes I know its a shame when I say that I have not got to test infection on it, but that is because I have no friends that play halo like they used to. Thats why I'm posting it on the aesthetic forum :/ First thing i did was gut the whole inside out. I did this because I realized that I do not need to use the whole inside of the ship. Also, learning from experience, that tends to make the game play horrible when you try to use every last bit of the space with out actually thinking about where and why you build things. After cleaning the inside, I thought immediately what realistic ideas and areas of the ship would be. If I was in bungie making UNSC ship models, would I really just throw box's in a room randomly? Or would I think what the room would most likely be? I ended up getting a decent size inside at the end of it all, but most importantly, I got a since of being in a real UNSC ship when I went inside, Which was my number one focus! Once I got that down, I then thought on how I could make the ship look more realistic on the out side. Maybe huge turbines? Or man cannons to act as rocket thrusters? Once I saw the outside the way I wanted it, I then turned my focus to the game type, Infection. This was a must have for me since I'm a fan of infection, and for the sake of having something to play on the map when any one join for customs. I switched up some re-spawns, and left out the pointless extras that was not needed. Going back to the realistic ideas for the layouts, A small cafeteria was added. Trust me when I tell you, I would have made it bigger if I had the supply's. Though this is not to bad I don't think The weapons was a tricky part when I remastered the map. Before they were placed randomly around the map. Disorganized with little attention payed to them. Now I have it to where I focus them in one area so that it is organized and it made since where it was placed. Though it sounds like the weapon room is now the camp room, I think I did a good job making it not so. There is not a HUGE selection with a booku amount of ammunition. But I at lest wanted to let people know where the weapons were being held, Zombie and Human a like. Finally we have the most important room in the ship. The observatory/comms room. In here you well find the small meeting table, and the control seat for the ships communications and intelligence. The view is not that bad either OK thats about it! Thanks for reading and downloading, I hope. Special Thank you to Spazmonkey and Organite
overall not a bad little ship you have made yourself, some really intresting shapes and sizes and some cool ideas thrown in to, nice neat forging and lots of areas to explore should make for a good map, good job!
I am looking forward to checking this one out, It is a really original ship - it has a nice architectural quality.
I'm going to be honest, then i saw the thread's title and the deadlinked thumbnail image my first thought was "here we go, another newbie who's going to be flamed and ranted at for posting an unfinished map with no screenshots..." - but Lo! it's actually really detailed, especially on the outside. Props. Can relate to you when you say that your friends don't play halo since number 3 any more. I'm finding really hard to find testers too these days.
It's a really well-forged map but it is very noticable that you spent more detail and focus on the exterior of the ship than the outside.