UNSC Might of Thermopylae

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DeltaFoxtrot262, May 16, 2011.

  1. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    This map or ship rather is intended for the Modern 300 Clan. The ship is an exo-atmospheric command vessel. It is equipped with all the amenities a command ship of this type should have: fully equipped conference/war room, bridge with the latest hardware, observation deck, weapon lockers, store rooms, vehicle bay, mess hall, crew quarters, etc...

    This first picture of the dorsal section of the ship:

    This view is of the ventral section:

    This is the aft section of the ship highlighting the vehicle launch bay when not in use the launch bay will turn 180 degrees and lock in place as part of the dorsal section of the ship (the bay itself will be inverted in order to maximize space):

    This is part of the ventral section of the ship (a teleporter in the vehicle bay brings you here) these Warthogs act as both a missile defense system for the ship and hot drop reinforcements for ground troops.

    This is the main entrance to the bridge from the mess hall area (notice the 2 large displays on each side, also the ramps in the center lead to an upper deck which leads outside the ship and has a secondary entrance to the observation deck):

    This is the bridge with overhead displays, A.I. interface, main viewer (the main viewer is composed of all the bluish-green [not bright] display panels in the forward section of the bridge), and main control panel (behind the main control panel is the observation deck and a secondary entrance/exit):

    This is part of the mess hall and armory (the entrance to the main armory is on the right side):

    This is the main armory:

    These are the cryochambers:

    This is the secondary display panel just before the conference room:

    This is the conference room:

    These are some of the barracks facilities:

    This map is intended for members of the Modern 300 Clan. It is the first of many more ships that will be added to the Modern 300's fleet. Enjoy these pics and please leave feedback.

    Credit to FrankthaTank ST for co-forging.
    #1 DeltaFoxtrot262, May 16, 2011
    Last edited: May 16, 2011

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