Okay, after about 2 months of endless tweaking and forging, I've finally finished the UNSC Magnitude V2! Sadly, I do not have any game types besides slayer and infection set up for it, so it's just for now an aesthetic map. I will get it set up for as many game types as I can and as soon as I can. I redid many things that I thought needed to be changed: Added Drop pods Edited Bridge Edited Hangar Edited Engines Edited MAC Cannon Edited Lobby Safe and Kill Boundaries added Weapon Layout Changed Okay, now for the pictures: Constructive Criticism is greatly appreciated! Download Link HERE
Hey, this looks pretty sweet! I like the MAC cannon best, flaming warthog is a way cooler effect than golf balls and the like. looks like it gets some distance too. Only problem is that the download link isn't working.
alright, sweet. ive downloaded and ill tell you what i think when i get the chance to play it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: alright, so i just finished playing it and i have to say, this is pretty cool. the ship looks really good on the outside, the hull is interesting and looks alot like a frigate, without being an exact copy. so its unique but fits in with unsc ships. however, there seemed to be an unusal amount of lag when i flew past the front, specifically in monitor mode or theater, though it wasnt that big of a deal. the interior was alright. i liked the hangar and the health packs, and the lobby, but im unsure of the purpose of the two rooms on the side. also, the ship felt a little weird inside because there was only one persons room, one ship, and one gun for a whole warship. however, it all looked pretty good. finally, the mac cannon was awesome, esspecially the button. when i walked into the room i saw the flashing thing, wondered if it was just for show and bam haha, very cool. the drop pods are cool too. all in all, very good ship! look forward to seeing what else you come up with.
Thanks! The two rooms on the side are sort of for viewing areas and control areas for parts of the ship. I do realize that there is lag, but I knew I couldn't fix it other than the fact that I could redo the entire thing. I was completely out of money by the time the frigate was ever fully finished. I have tweaked it up ever since I first posted it and updated the forum. If you want a glimpse of how conservative I was, check the item lists to see how many items are left on each category, but I am NOT about to give that away. Let's just say it will amaze you how I did it. Most frigates have fusion coils or actual switches that you press buttons for, which isn't bad AT ALL, but I just wanted to be different. I'm really glad you liked it!
its always really difficult to find the right proportions of these ships. i think ill make a frigate myself and for this i've loaded some pictures that show some important angles. its the best condition for "modeling" an object in detail. and i love detail ;D I've uploaded them because i thought you might be interested in well proportions too.. Best to compare the size of all parts in their relation this pic is really detailed and damn beautiful !! im so lucky i found it ;D quiet ugly, but this is halo 2 graphics: in amber clad (first frigate in halo games) now look in detail at this picture! the SARATOGA has at the bottom only this little fin, just like the... UNSC SAVANNAH, but the FORWARD UNTO DAWN... has a giant... idk garage ?? or a giant cargo bay or whatever... if ill ever create a frigate, ill do it without this bulky cargo block, looks so stupid in my opinion...
I did indeed find some pictures, and I have to say, you found quite many more pictures than me. I do realize that the "garage" of the ship is rather big, but I've tried scaling it down, but the ship itself kind of looked kind of dorky and rather less scaled than it was. I do also realize the ship is very small for an actual frigate, but most remakes (besides that amazing UNSC Aegis Fate, which also has many small openings around the ship) are extremely small compared to the real frigates. I also tried my best to conserve, like I said in one of the earlier comments above. I don't know yet if I will make a V3 as this version seems as accurate as I can build it. I don't mean to sound cocky, because I do try my best to be humble at MOST times (haha) but when it comes to remakes of a frigate, I feel I hit it really close.
Oh sorry, it was not my intention to to say i'd dislike your frigate. I actually forgot to say that i really like it and im not shure, if my own frigate (when im done with it) will Look as good as yours. But when i start i'll take these pictures first. I thought maybe you could find them useful too
No, no. I didn't think you were saying that' since you didn't say it. I was just saying how I felt after seeing those frigate pictures. I'm not a person who assumes things. The way you were talking led me to think about you making your own. By the way, I want to see your frigate when it's done. Considering your Pillar of Autumn is, I do have to say, amazing, i would want to see how you make a frigate. Thanks for the feedback!