UNSC GUADALCANALThis is the Unsc Guadalcanal positioned above the newly dicovered installation02 twenty-five years after the end of the war. THis ship is the first of the over 300 Guadalcanal class attack ships produced. seventeen years after the wars end the unsc navy started design work of a small fast and heavily armed ship to replace its existing fleet this is the result of that. it has a duel m-1414 cannons which are developed from the spartan laser. one shot to take out the shields one shot to take down the enemy ship unlike the ships used in the human covenant war this ship only has a crew of seven men The guadalcanal class vessels will never enter combat alone because each ship carries two deployable CDL-21 combat drones the ships also have two point defense guns(one on each side) this ship is the Unsc navy's most feared combat vessels download here Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details also teleporter to enter ship can be seen at the bottom of the first screenshot
Those pictures aren't the best. The map is a good idea. The cannons look pretty fun. I will DL and look at it better. I will editzz l8er.
yes the ship is pretty small which i planned from the beginning because i wanted it to all be the same color so i used the walls and barriers and barricades for the ships body only
what do you guys mean when i look at it every pic except the turret one are pretty big and abou the number of ships there is one main ship and two tiny combat drones