This is my version of a UNSC frigate like Forward unto Dawn or In Amber Clad. It was originally to be made just for the look but you can go in it where there are several rooms and passages. Like the loading bay, gun turrets, and back hold. I included two gauss wathogs to re-create the frigates powerful MACs on the top and bottom. The only part missing from it is the middle right engine which i couldnt fit. The best view i could get of the whole ship because its too big The Twin MACs firing Engines and Loading bay Top View Inside Link:
I like the macs firing, and the scale is really cool. One thing: I think it would be cool to have more detail on the ship.... exhaust port? Stabilizers? something like that.
Unfortunately i agree. I was thinking of a way to make the ship look just that, rather than a bunch of boxes. But the problem is that covering part of it with say bridges would make it look mismatched, and the boxes fit the scale too well. There was not much for me really to add. I will take another look and i like the exhaust port idea.
yeah. i cant believe you would post on this one. there are much better versions of this out. this is my first map on forge hub. i did this before i learned about interlocking, save and quit or any thing else.
yeah i know there are better versions out there, i have one too. but i believe that every comment nomatter how short or negative is a good comment that someone can gain from and learn. i was just trying to help. that it.
i like this frigate one better than ur original one. i like how u can go inside it great job 5/5 from the pics ill dl wen i can