yes i made a cario station and i need to test it before i upload it and i made a pillar of autumn (i made two different versions) i might upload the second, the first kinda suck but it was my first ship. and i'm looking for other ships that i can build too
As it happens, I am a massive fan of Aesthetic maps. The thought of a giant clown boot on a desert keeps me thinking future. And as a bonus to that, I am a Sci-Fi lover. Your map is awesome, maybe not original but the screen shots still show alien activity. Add a download link so I can break it up.
there is a dl link already sorry you didn't notice it and i am going to make a ship map pack and after that i'm going to try other things
Awesome. I tried doing that thing w/ the turrets on another map of mine (only w/ shield doors) but it seemed that unless half the body stuck out, the bullets would somehow bounce off the shield I was behind but the barrel was not. (I guess the bullets come from behind our foreheads) Bravo on getting it to work.
yeah but they all look extremely similar and i haven't seen anything that stands out. so who says i should DL this one and not another one of the other ships. they need something to make it stand out
you could fit a banshee in the hangar and if your good at driving the hog you could get the hog you took for a spin and return it to the hangar its pretty sick
The energy blockers on the back were a really good idea. I've seen a lot of enormous ships made on Avalanche but this is the best so far.
Looks sweet! The engines are OK, but other than that it is the closest thing to In Amber clad yet! (Haven't seen any others)
sorry i really dont think it looks like In Amber Clad, this is just because i actually made the Aegis Fate a couple days ago from pics n modded sandtrap. It may not look like In Amber Clad in my opinion but it does look like a really well made ship =) im actually gonna be posting my Aegis Fate in a couple days.... (Aegis Fate is a frigate like In Amber Clad)
well thats your opinion you should be able to see a difference in the two models of the frigate Halo2 frigate halo 3 frigate
dont get me wrong i like the map, its just that to me it doesnt look much like the halo 2 frigate anyway.. this is a great ship map i just dont see the amber clad in it. it might be the engines that kill it for me but thats just what i think..
Wow i think this is great! I love the turrets on the sides .. And how neat it looks inside and outside ! Great job! =]