UNSC Eagle: Inspired by: UNSC TITAN, Some of my own ship maps, And DreadNaught. By: DA HITMAN 117 Storey: The UNSC Eagle, Was drawn into Covenant grounds when their new and most deadliest weapon was made, A giant super-magnet, It is so strong that it can lure in any kind of UNSC ship and try to capture it, The UNSC Eagle was one of them. I know, I know, No none likes the Covenant. But we still have to fight them off to live. You and a crew of spartans and elites must fight off the attackers while help comes!! Description: This is my 8th map post here on Forgehub. Ever since my first ship map, I have fallen in love (Not that tyoe of love) with making ship's recently. This is possibly the biggest and best ship map that I have ever made before in my life. It looks like UNSC Titan a little bit, Sort of like Dreadnaught, And also inspired by my onw ship maps. The map takes up ALL of Avalanche, It is intended for 8-16 players but works well in between those numbers too. The map's main features are: Interlocking, Geo-Merging, Advanced floating techniques, Effective Spawn Placement. I wanted to make a big ship for Aestetick (Spelling) Purposes and machinama, When I finshed the map (3 day's ago) I thought it was too plain, So, I started to place crates, Wepons, and geo-merge some things, I also added vehicles too. When I placed it all, It sort of looked like a ship and battle grounds. I made use of this and made it set up for CTF and Assault. The map was fully tested with both gametypes (1-Bomb/1-Flag) And was proven successful, I'm sorry to say, But I forgot to take screen shots of the map's gameplay. But I do have pictures of the map. I also started to make small "Outposts" on the map, They sre destroyed and some of them are still in good shape. Scroll down and see for yourself. Gametypes: Capture The Flag (CTF) Assault Gametypes Recommended: 1-Flag 1-Bomb NOTE: I tried to make it for more gametypes but the item limit popped up while making it for VIP, Sorry. Vehicles: 1x *Immoveable* Scorpion. 2x Hornet's 3x Warthog's 3x Mongeese 2x Ghost's 2x Prowlers 4x Banshee's 1x Wraith Weapons: NOTE: All these weapons are from my memory. 3x AR's ?x BR's *Estimated: 10* 2x Brute Shots 1x Sniper rifle 1x Spartan Lazer 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Shotgun 1x Energy Sword 1x Beam Rifle 1x Fuel Rod Gun ?x Covenant Carbines *Estimated: 8* 2x SMG's 3x Spikers 1x Machine Gun Turret 2x Plasma Cannon 1x Mauler 1x Needler 1x Sentinel Beam That's all I can remember for the weapons, Sorry. [COLOR=Red]Equipment:[COLOR=Blue][FONT=Courier New] [/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Blue][FONT=Courier New]1x Regenerator 1x Trip mine 1x Bubble Shield 1x Power Drain 7x Spike Grenades 7x Plasma Grenades 1x Active Camo [COLOR=Red][U][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=5]*Everything you see above (Weapons, Vehicles, And equipment) Was all wrote down FROM memory.* Pictures Are next. [/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR] Over View: Top View: Front View: Back View: Over View 2: Inside of Ship: "OutPosts" My favourite one and the first one I made. All the attackers stuff. Attackers base: Attackers base Over view 2: DOWNLOAD?:http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=52493258 [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=Red][U][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=5] [/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/COLOR] [/FONT][/COLOR]
Dudes gunna get neg rep for that comment, lolz Ok so heres what i wanna know, do the attackers all spawn in the same spot, or do they spawn across the map? also there are many games like this, i found tiitan to be the best, but yours is good too, i would make sure that tank is kept still from moving, otherwise stupidity would soon follow... 3/5
Hey this looks nice, Im glad that you put cover throughout the map so its not fair for the ones who need to attack lol Good Job and nice interlocking
My map deserves more than a 3/5, Even though it's my map. But still, And all the attckers might respawn around the map, Or with each other, It just depends how many people you have. Thanks for that comment, At least its a constructive comment.
I downloaded it, thought it was one of the biggest ships you've made so far, this one is great, I bet it plays good and the hangar of the ship is definitely the favorite part of this ship. I also see you've putted two attackers bases in, with a large party that probably will be fun, seen as all the fire of the attackers is aimed at one solid point. Great ship. EDIT: K lol only 1 base.