UNSC Descendant Justice

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Liquid, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. Liquid

    Liquid Forerunner

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    A lone frigate has broken off from it's fleet in pursuit of a Covenant Battlecruiser,
    but little did they know, they were walking right into a trap...


    The Descendant Justice is outfitted with:
    -A fully-functional MAC Gun
    -Two SOEIV drop pods
    -A small compliment of UH-144 Falcons
    -A deployable Warthog for ground-operations
    -A navigation core, containing the location of Earth...
    -And most importantly, a small crew of bloodthirsty Spartans,
    just itchin' to bust the heads of any extra-terrestrials stupid enough to board this ship!


    The Covenant, being the predictable alien-bastards that they are, will likely follow this battle plan:

    Phase 1
    Board the ship and install teleporters for heavier reinforcements, probably in the hangars.

    Phase 2
    As much as those splits-jaws would like to grab that nav-core right there and then, we have a repulsor shield-wall blocking access to the bridge; the Covenant will probably try to power this down by destroying a generator in one of the engine rooms. They might even use our own ordinance against us to achieve this.

    Phase 3
    If the shield-wall covering the bridge goes offline, Cole protocol will initiate and the Covenant will attack in force to try and steal that navigation core before it automatically erases all it's contents (this takes about 5 mins), they will likely try to get it back to their local base of operations to copy it and transmit the data off-world to god knows where.

    (Intelligence reports suggest the Covenant utilize advanced Forerunner technology that can instantly copy and transmit hundreds of Exabytes of data, just by passing the storage-medium through a beam, don't let them get that far)

    But we're not gonna let em have it!
    What we will let em have, is a belly full of lead and a pool of their own blood to drown in!


    Cargo Bay

    Covenant Base

    Front View

    This map needs to played with one of the following custom game types in order to work:

    Invasion, Invasion Slayer
    #1 Liquid, Dec 9, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2010
  2. Warriorii

    Warriorii Forerunner

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    nice map i like the engine room and the cargo bay i've never seen that before in a ship. plus, you should include a custom gametype in tandem with this map
  3. Sikaxis

    Sikaxis Forerunner

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    The name of the ship sounds more like a covenant ship . but it sure looks interesting .
  4. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've always loved this idea - I've only seen one other map that has a ship set up for invasion. Unfortunately (from what I can tell) they both have the same problem. Falcon's (or hijacked banshees) can camp that Covie spawn really easily, without much of a threat of opposition. Fix that, send me a message, and you have a DEFINITE download from me, because everything else looks amazing.
    The post looks great, though. I love the commitment to the storyline in your writing.
    One side thing that "irks" me as a Halo nerd is that I'm pretty sure the Cole Protocol would insure that that memory core got completely wiped clean before Covenant capture. That really has nothing to do with the map, but I thought if you wanted to make the story more accurate you could use that.
  5. dishonestpirate

    dishonestpirate Forerunner

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    you could fix that easy with 1 way shields
  6. Liquid

    Liquid Forerunner

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    Thanks, I tried to make it as close to the real frigate design as possible without sacrificing playability, hopefully it payed off! As for the custom gametypes, the Hayabusa in your first post signature is staring right at them :D

    It should, it's a nod to the Ascendant Justice.

    Base-raping hasn't reared it's ugly head yet during playtests and could really only be an issue during Phase 1 when the Covenant only have one area to spawn, even still, all Phase 1 Covenant classes have a Plasma-Piddle (EMP), stickies, decent cover and an almost constant stream of banshee spawns to defend themselves.

    As for consistency with the story, I think you'll be pleased with the ^^latest intel^^ ;)

    If the budget wasn't already stretched so ridonkulously thin *saaaadface*

    Here's a playtest video of an earlier iteration, for anyone who's interested.

    Thanks to everyone who downloaded and please "thumbs up" it on the fileshare if you like it!
  7. Blue227

    Blue227 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Definitely a good one. I DL'd this map shortly after the close of the Forgetacular Contest when I was trying to get a feel for the competition for the ContestINV category. Nice entry buddy. I may upload mine after the winners are announced sometime in January.

    Would love to collaborate or play test with you some time. My gamer tag is Blue227 (ha ha). Thanks for a pretty ship with relative and clean game play.

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